(35). Just Some Cuddles

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Jackson's chocolate chip cookies fresh out the oven ^^

Scott POV 🎓
Tuesday, October 26

"Oh god yes!" I cried.

Ace lifted his head from between my legs and smirked "You like that baby?" He purred. I nodded slowly as he went back down on me, lapping my hole with his tongue.

I gripped my bedsheets tightly as his tongue worked it's magic inside me. He lifted my legs up as he continued to devour me like a multi course meal.

"Are you ready for it?" He whispered in a low seductive tone. I nodded slowly as he lowered my legs, slowly unbuttoning his pants. I licked my upper lip hungrily as he slowly took off his clothes, revealing more and more skin for my mind to lust over.

"You want it?" He whispered.

I nodded vigorously.

"Well you have to wake up for it"

I tilted my head "Wake up?"

He nodded "Wake up"

"Baby wake up my tongue isn't in your ass!"

My eyes fluttered opened "Damn it" I murmured. I lifted my head off of Aces chest and looked up at him.

He had an amused grin on his face as he pecked my forehead "You started humping my leg and moaned about my tongue being in your butt" he explained. "Sorry.. I know you're not into that stuff-"

"I can make exceptions" he blurted.

I looked at him surprise "Ace it's ok, I know you're uncomfortable with the idea so it's fine" his brows scrunched. "Teach, I will eat your ass and you will like it" he said sternly.

"Damn Scott that's how you tutor?!" My dad chuckled from outside the door. Aces face paled as I broke out laughing. "It's not funny!" He hissed. "Oh but when I get teased you have the time of your life" I retorted. He nodded "Well duh, you're more dramatic; it's adorable when you get angry" he cooed.

I gaped "I'm not dramatic!" I snapped. Ace chuckled engulfing me in my arms "Well you are so come here and let me pepper you with little kisses" he cooed. He pulled me up and began kissing my face, using his baby voice to speak to me.

September passed like breeze and so did this month. Ace has been coming over more and more, all we do is cuddle, watch tv, and annoy each other. He has this favorite activity of bothering me while I grade papers, to the point that I got behind in grading. We got into a whole fight but it worked out when Ace gave me his sweatshirt as a peace offering.

"How's your allergic reaction" I whispered. He grumbled "Better, still itchy and red with a couple patches of hives on my arms buts it getting there he explained" he mumbled. "I still can't believe you hid your allergy from us, you could've died!" I scolded.

Ace sighed "I know, I just thought it wouldn't happen. I hate almonds the times I tasted them so I knew to avoid them and when I was actually eating them. I always make my food at home so I know what I make and the school food isn't even on this planet so I know it doesn't have it, and I rarely eat out so I know I'm good there, even the food I ordered at Alberts place didn't have almonds.

I just wasn't expecting Jackson to make them taste so different. If I knew it from the beginning I would've gotten my epipen out already" he explained. I'm just glad he's ok, Benny called me a couple hours after the ordeal and told me Ace was good to go. They even gave him a lollipop which Ace ended up giving to Benny.

I glared at him "But still. That's so irresponsible on your part babe. You knew you were allergic why didn't you just ask if it had almonds? Do you know how bad Jackson felt? The poor guy didn't stop crying for hours" I murmured. Aces expression fell "I know, he spoke to me about it yesterday. I can only imagine how he feels right now" he murmured.

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