(7). Back From Deployment

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Scott POV 🎓


I mentally facepalmed at myself for telling Ace I know where he lives. He sat there, staring at me to the point that it made me shudder. "I still didn't get an explanation of how you knew where I live" he teased, a curious smirk on his face.

I sighed "You were pretty loud the other day when I moved in to my dads after my breakup. I got curious and peeked out my window and saw you.." I explained quietly. He sat there, somewhat surprised by the answer.

"This sounds like the plot for the Boy Next Door" he joked. I rolled my eyes "Just don't become overly obsessed with me. We both knew what happened at the end" I grumbled. He pouted sadly "Aww, you wouldn't hurt the student that saved you from your shitty, stupid ex" he joked. I huffed "Language Ace" I warned.

He gave me a sheepish grin "Sorry, force of habit. I'm just saying, the guy must be crazy to cheat on someone like you" he said nonchalantly. I raised a brow "Whats that suppose to mean" I huffed. He shrugged "I don't know, you're like adorable I guess" he murmured shyly.

I snorted at the compliment "Oh shut up. Don't go with the flattery route, your not getting extra credit by kissing up to me" I explained. I pull in on the driveway of my dads house and grabbed my satchel from the backseat.

I turned to say goodbye to Ace but was met with his face only inches from mine. He grabbed me but the back of my neck and pulled my ear to his lips "I don't want extra credit, I want you" he whispered. I gasped quietly when he traced his tongue around the shell of my ear before he continued to speak "Remember what I said the other day?" He purred in low, spine tingling cadence. My whole body melted at the sound of his deep, smokey voice, reverberating from my ear.

I couldn't even talk and only nodded as he wooed me into oblivion. He hummed in satisfaction "Perfect. Do you know what happens next?" He whispered enticingly. I shook my head hesitantly "Do you wanna know?" He murmured.

Ugh, screw it.

I nodded.

He smiled before pulling away "Perfect! Here's my number, Teach" he slaps a piece of paper on my trembling hand and smiles "I'll see you tomorrow" he chirped, like nothing ever happened. He opens my car door and hops out, leaving me in a shocked, and aroused state.

He played me!

Curse men and their hot bodies!

I grumbled a string of curses, stuffing the piece of paper in my pocket before exiting out of the car, slamming the door in the process. I can't believe I let him play me, ugh, how could I have be so blind!

Anger was all the hit me when I was inside my dads house, but the scent of baked cookies slowly made it's way towards my nostrils. I small smile pulled it's why to my lips, although I'm still rather angry about the whole Ace situation I can at least take in the smell of those delicious cookies.

I turned the corner to see dad in the kitchen, I found it quite amusing watching him run around as he looked back and forth between the sheet of paper and ingredients. "What's the special occasion?" I asked curiously. Dad jumped at the sound of my voice before turning back to me, holding a whisk as a weapon. He sighed in relief "Jesus you're quiet! I didn't even hear you open the door" he gasped, clutching his chest dramatically. I rolled my eyes "Oh please, I told you what time I was coming home. Now tell me what those cookies are for!" I squealing excitedly.

He shrugged "Well..." he paused dramatically "You're brothers coming back from deployment!" My dad said cheerfully. My face paled at his answer "What?" I asked hesitantly, fear slowly crawling its way up my spine. He nodded " You heard me! Jackson's finally coming back from deployment. Can't you believe it? One year already passed by, and guess what? He's staying for good this time!" My dad cheered excitedly as he picked up the bowl full of batter to whisk.

I laughed nervously "Haha! Yeah, so excited!" I answered. My hands clammed up as memories came flashing back in my head.

For little more context, Jackson hasn't been the kindest to me since my coming out. Before he was your typical protective older brother that'd beat the bullies up for you, help you through tough times. Awkwardly enough he was also the kind of older brother that everyone found hot, so having my friends come over wasn't a good idea when all they talked about was the many ways they'd violate him.

Than I came out.

Suddenly his attitude towards me took a 180. He'd routinely ignore me both at home and at school, he even started to let the bullies at high school have there way with me. A year in high school it got even worse. Although he began to pay attention to me.. his attention was taking his anger out on me. It wasn't anything physical, more verbal attacks that targeted me being gay, my intelligence, me being related to him, etc.

I couldn't remember a single night that I didn't cry. He knew what my insecurities were and used them to his advantage. I became very good at hiding the problems from my dad, so to this day he thinks me and Jackson are on good terms.

As for him leaving, It wasn't till right after I turned 22 that he went straight to the military. I didn't even know he left at all till my dad told me.

He never bothered to say goodbye to me when he did. I'm not gonna lie and say it doesn't hurt when the person you look up to hates your guts and never even even said goodbye. It hurts even more knowing he doesn't care about me anymore.

But I don't hate Jackson, even if he doesn't look at me like a brother, I'd still wish the best for him. After all he was the one that suggested that should be teacher when we were kids. So I guess I can thank him for that.

"Uh, Scott you've been staring at the microwave for two minutes" my dad waved his hands in front of my face, knocking me out of my thoughts. I smiled "Yeah! Just happy that Jackson finally coming back" I said softly.

My dad smiled back when his eyes suddenly widened "Oh I almost forgot!" He said. I listened to him talk as I placed my satchel on the couch. "I read on the news that a teacher got arrested for sleeping with one of her students" he explained.

I choked.

He nodded "I know crazy right?! Anyway, she was from your district so I was just wondering if you knew her" he asked. I laughed nervously "What?! Dad I haven't even been working at the school for a week yet, I barely know three teachers let alone someone from a different school" I answered dryly.

He huffed "Buzzkill" he grumbled. My jaw gaped "Dad you're not in high school anymore grow up" I grumbled flatly. Dad pouted "Oh don't be like that, they'd love your old man if I was in the class!" He said happily. I shook my head "No, they'd probably call you daddy and try to sleep with you" I hissed. The thought of my dad with a high school student is beyond horrifying so I quickly pushed the though out of my mind.

Dad smirked "I don't mind th-"

"Nope! I have get upstairs and start grading papers bye dad!"


I hope it was fun to read! Tell me your thoughts on this chapter as well as Jackson 😳😳 and the story overall!

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Bai ❤️❤️

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