(39). Angry Gym Sex? (SMUT ALERT)

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What might happen later ^^ (It's two dudes kissing against a wall if the photo ever becomes a Wattpad logo)

Smut at around the sweaty towel paragraph

Scott POV 🎓

"Do you mind if I go first babe?" Ace asked out. I nodded "Of course! You know more about this stuff than me. Am I in your way I can move if you want?"

Ace smiled down at me "No you're fine Teach, I just need to get this anger out you know?" He explained. He walked past me and grabbed a set of dumbbell thingies. I looked at the weights picked up and became nervous. What if he hurts himself?!"Ace how heavy is that?" I asked. Ace looked at the both sides and shrugged "100-"

I sighed "Oh! it's for both! That's pretty heavy-"


My eyes widened as I stood there in shock. I'm completely floored at the weight "Are you sure?" I said worriedly. Ace nodded "Yeah, I just need to start off a bit lighter before I get to the real heavy stuff" he explained.

"Light?!" I squealed.

"Yeah, I'm doing a dumbbell 'bench press' if you will since that asshole thought it would be ok to touch you, so I can't get my reps in without that creep walking around. I figured I'll just do it here" he grumbled.

He began laying down and started pushing the weights up and down. It's like the thing weighs as much as paper for him! Aces grunts and groans as he pushed himself to lift the weights began to get louder as he got round to the last half before stopping.

I was fixated by the sweat that was beginning to drip down his face as I hand him his water bottle. He gave me a smirk before gulping down half the bottle. "Do you wanna try?" He asked. He handed me two 20 pound dumbbells, guiding me through the whole process, I swear he gets hotter every day.

"Ok.. do you think you'll be able to do it?" He asked. "Um, yeah!" I said anxiously. I sat at the little bench and look at the dumbbells on either side of me. "I'll spot you" he said reassuringly. I picked up the dumbbells and laid down. Ace suddenly stood above me and gently guided my arms in the right positioning "Ready?" He asked.

I nodded slowly and began moving the weight up and down in a push up motion, Ace watching my every move as he observed me "Yep, you're doing great baby!" He said proudly.

After a while my strength began to fail me, Ace came to the rescue and helped me finish "Here, just give it everything you've got. It's okay to make noise baby you've been quiet this whole time" he explained.

I nodded and did a final push, an involuntary moan escaping my lips as I finally finished the last one. I dropped the weights and sighed "Whew! Releasing some noise really eases the tension!" I chirped. I looked at Ace, he was licking his upper lips as he refocused on me "-See! Told you" he chuckled nervously.

He opened his water bottle and took a swig "Hey.. you wanna sit on my-"

"YES!" I shrieked.

Everyone look at our general direction from my outburst, making me turn bright red as I clasped a hand over my mouth. Ace who was thoroughly amused just laughed it off "For my push ups Teach, for my push ups" he explained.

My excitement simmered as a wave of embarrassment hit me. "Oh.. Um sure, yeah totally I can do that" I chirped. "Why can't you just do it with regular weights?" I asked. Ace shrugged "It's not as hot" he stated bluntly.

Just when the blush was going away.. He slowly got in the push-up position allowing me to climb on his back as he began doing push up. I was perched awkwardly on aces back as he counted "So who's your spotter usually?" I asked interestedly "3- Albert, although he's a shit spotter because lately -4- he's been eyeing people to have a threesome with Arlo -5" he grunted. "So his dumbass -6- doesn't pay attention to me -7" he groaned. "Do you usually do this?" I asked. Ace rolled his eyes, like he was annoyed of me?

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