(25). A Party Suggestion (SMUT ALERT)

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Nose bleed Warning at about the half way point.

Scott POV 🎓

Mmm, warm.

That was best nights sleep I've ever had on this bed. I inhaled the scent of my sheets and just smiled against the fabric. I tightened my grip around my pillow which was oddly firm.. and warm. Wow my bed is actually really warm today. I buried my face in between two pillows as I tried to go back to sleep. I felt my blanket wrapped softly around my shoulder as I continued to snuggle up against my bed. I don't remember my blanket being this firm but I'm not complaining.

Why can't every day be like this where I just wake up in bed where all my problems-

My beds moving.

My eyes snapped open and I realized I was laying on the chest of a MAN, nothing like Kelvin where he thought drinking protein shakes was enough, a MAN I'm telling you. Oh my god I've been rubbing my face all over his bare chest this whole time. He had me comfortably tucked under hies arm with his other behind his head.

I slowly sat up but was pulled back down by Aces vice like grip around my shoulder. I looked at Ace who was still fast asleep, soft puffs of air leaving his lips as he slept peacefully.

I huffed, how am I gonna get out of someone grip who's probably ten times stronger than me in every physical way. I tried brute strength and slowly pried his fingers off of me, I managed to slip just a little bit and that was enough for me to slide out of his grip.

I slithered out of his grip like a snake before I finally managing to get out of bed. Ace began grumbling in my absence, his arms looking for me as he slept. I panicked and tossed one of my large teddy bears his direction.

He huffed quietly before spooning the bear with his arm around its waist.

I smiled softly, he's  actually pretty cute when he's asleep and not trying to get in my pants. I grabbed my phone and checked the time

11:00 P.M.

Holy fuck we slept during the evening I forgot!

My stomach interrupted my thoughts when it rumbled loudly.

Shit I'm starving, I completely forgot to eat and the only thing I've had was popcorn for that movie. WHICH by the way was not cute! I ended up clingy to Ace the whole fucking time. I swear I'll get Evan back for this.

I tiptoed out of my room and went downstairs to the kitchen. Turning on the light I saw a plate with pancakes stacked high and syrup on the side. I saw little yellow sticky note on the side that said.

"Hey Scott! It's Jackson, I made pancakes for everyone :) I tried waiting for you but Benny told me to get in bed so sorry if they're a little a soggy. The butters in the fridge if you want it.

P.S. I made these at around 10

Love ya baby bro"

I smiled at Jackson little message and looked up at the pancakes. I'll bring them upstairs to share with Ace, I'm sure he'd appreciate them.

The quick walk back to my room and Ace was still sound asleep. Turning on my lamp, I slowly placed the plate of pancakes in my desk as I observed Aces sleeping form. Gosh I don't think I'd get ever get tired of waking up in his arms.

I leaned into his face and slowly cupped his cheek with my hand. He slowly leaned into my hand and purred quietly like a little cat as I stroked his cheek with my thumb.

I sighed, time to wake up the beast.

I cautiously nudged his shoulder.


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