(31). His First Word

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Scott POV 🎓

Aida chuckled quietly "And when she hit her in the face! Oh my goodness I couldn't stop laughing!" She chortled. Tyce and Evan nodded in agreement "I'm telling you Jo really slapped the privilege outta that hoe" Evan chirped. Aida continued to eat her salad quietly while Evan and Tyce cuddled against each other.

Today I stayed quiet, I had a lot to think about. That video of his went viral.. and all the thirst comments were just, ugh! TikTok of all places to go viral full of weirdly perfect looking teens that post random stuff. I groaned internally what if Ace leaves me for a some TikTok twink!

"Scott you look like you're about to shit yourself" Evan chimed. I blushed "Sorry just thinking about something.. it's weird honestly" I murmured. Tyce tilted his head "If it's about the viral video of your hubby on that one Kesha song app you're fine. They all think he's straight so it's just the girls hitting on him" he explained.

I was somewhat concerned how he knew but overwhelming relief was all I felt as I leaned in my seat. Evan looked at me curiously "Has he fucked you yet?" He asked quietly.

I snapped my gaze at him "What?! No! Not now! Especially while I'm his teacher! At least till he graduates" he mumbled out. Aida nodded "No that makes sense, gotta wait till they ripen up" she explained.

"Did you just.. did you just compare my student to a fruit?" I gasped. She nodded "Yeah, how do you think I met my husband?" She explained. I looked at her blankly "So you're husband was your former high school student" I mumbled in shock.

She nodded "Yeah, this was years ago by the way, and our age gap was about the same as you and Ace. And no we never got married" she explained.

Evans jaw dropped "And you didn't date this man?!" He gasped. Aida smiled "Of course we did! I fucked that man everywhere!" She said offendedly. She looked at me knowingly "Don't worry Scott, men like Ace may seem tough but trust me you probably have him wrapped up in your finger and you don't even know. Although provocative outfits tend to put them off. At least during my time" she mumbled.

I squealed quietly, oh god the photo! What the hell could he be thinking oh god he probably thinks my body is gross. What was I thinking! Was it too much? Oh I overdid it didn't I. He didn't even talk to me when class ended!

Aida sighed "I remember it like yesterday. I was teaching biology when he came in a month after school started. I had what do you kids call it now? A WAP I think. Yeah a WAP! I had a WAP when I saw him, and he began to flirt with me, He was a little bad boy himself you know. Got into all sorts of trouble when we were young. I teased him for the entire year, wearing skirts and 'dropping' my chalk before bending down" she chuckled quietly. She grabbed her Chanel bag and grabbed a small pocketbook before pulling out a photo.

Standing it to me I saw a black and white photo of a man and woman. The guy was sitting at the desk while the woman bent over, writing on his paper "We never married and instead maintained a girlfriend, boyfriend status, marriage both of us off so we decided not to" she chirped. I smiled quietly "You guys looked so cute together, were you tutoring him in this photo?" I asked.

She scoffed "Hell no, some kids came in for a photo for yearbook. We were making out hardcore, he was about to start fondling me when they came in so we just made this act up" she explained.

Evan smiled "You should bring him over!" He chirped. Aida shook her head "Oh he doesn't like going out now a days said something about a virus starting in China. He's an old coot today so I take things he says with a grain of salt" she chirped.

She stood up and packed her empty salad box "Well, I have to get going. My hubby is probably waiting for me, even after all these years he loves sex though we aren't as limber as we were we make it work. Men can't get enough of it" she gave us a brief wave before leaving my classroom.

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