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11 years later

Scott POV 🎓

"Babe, can you open the door I think Jackson and Benny are here" I yelled.

Time flies so quickly, it feels like just yesterday I met Ace the guy I'm literally in love with. He's one the best things that ever happened to me. He makes me feel special and loved, he was the first guy that really made feel confident in myself and loved me even when I tried my hardest to push him way. Not to mention his talent in bed is just a plus, I can barely walk.

"Ant! Come down for your 17th birthday, your uncles are here!" I snapped. I was talking to my Dad as my husband and son took their sweet ass time. "You and Ace have come so far" he choked.

I sighed "Dad I still teach" I chuckled. He shook his head "But now you're a professor at the university and it's just- ugh.. I don't wanna tear up!" He cried. I gave him a soft smile "It's nothing special Dad I'm just happy I can teach" I explained.

Honestly I think the real winners are the people around me. Jackson taking Aces advice and opening a small bakery was probably one of the best things that's ever happened to him. To say it was successful was an understatement. His bakery had gotten so busy that he bought out the store next two him and expanded it even bigger. He started catering to meals as well and not long after he won his first Michelin star!

He eventually opened multiple restaurants around the country. His success in food allowed him to open more restaurants internationally. He spends his money modestly, most of the things he focus' on outside of cooking is helping other veterans that struggle to adapt in civilian life. He's also been using his wealth to pamper the shit out of Benny, to the point that Benny told him to tone it back.

He didn't but that didn't stop Benny from banning sex which quickly resolved much of their conflict. Jackson loved to donate his money, he never saw much need in amassing what he earns since his lifestyle is so minimal in terms of materialistic items. He's just happy with living his life with Benny and their son.. and maybe a Ferrari, and a Lamborghini. Ok so maybe he has loosened up his frugal spending habits but he's not one to indulge that often.

Benny took a different path and continued schooling he graduated 1st in his class and ended up getting bachelors in teaching, now he works at the same high-school I worked at when I met Ace.

It's been weird to say the least, the last 11 years have been a rollercoaster of emotions for our family. It's amazing seeing Jackson become so successful, each year his influence in the culinary world becomes more prevalent.

My lovely husband Ace didn't continue to college, he barely passed high-school. Sadly even now I know little about his family, he's been so closed off about the topic and every time I brought it up we'd get into an argument. I'm not one to push the conversation, Ace clearly seems uncomfortable with a mere mention of them so I try and avoid the topic altogether.

I guess the only plus side is the angry sex we end up having later, he's really rough when he's angry.

Well extra rough.

Ace now funny enough is a self defense instructor. Who would've known combat would be his thing. Most of Aces students predominantly are women, which makes me nervous but than I remember he's gay. It's still pretty unfortunate women have to do this kind of stuff to live in the world today. I gave all of them pepper spray when they signed up for Aces class as a welcoming gift and now every Friday we buy food to stuff our significant others with.

That aside he's actually been able to open up other studios where his other friend Jo helps teach in. He's managed to hire other instructors and became pretty successful in his own right.

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