(24). Threaten With Cuddles

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Ace POV 🎒

"Ugh can't this stoplight take any longer" Scott grumbled. He was tapping his foot aggressively till the light turned green.

"Hmm, my first time seeing you in road rage mode" I joked.

Scott gave me a side eye "You think this is road rage? Please, give me ten minutes" he said sarcastically.

Scott gave me a side eye "You think this is road rage? Please, give me ten minutes" he said sarcastically

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"You stupid fucking bitch!" Scott screeched. "I will find your fucking house and castrate your husband!" He roared. He flipped off the middle aged woman in her silver mini van. The woman than mouthed a series of words that pissed Scott even more. "Oh really?! Try me whore! With your worn down 2005 mini van!" He screamed.

The woman gestured for Scott to lower his window. I sat uncomfortably in between the two whining idiots as they continued to bicker.

"You'll never find a man! So you'll definitely never get my husband!" She yelled. Scott's jaw dropped.

He looked at me, eyeing me up and down before he looked back the woman. "I can't get a man?! Look at this sexy fucking stud next to me old hag?!" He than proceeded to lift my shirt, to reveal my stomach. "Does your husband have this?! Sexy ass abs?! I clean my clothes on these for fucks sake" He snapped, he than went to my arms, pulling my sleeves back to show my bicep.

"Does he have this?! I go to bed with these wrapped tightly around my waist! I bet your husband goes to hooters and makes the waitresses uncomfortable with his perverted looks!" He roared.

The woman gasped, before breaking down quietly.

"That's right?! And you wanna know what else?! This man-"

He awkwardly grabbed my crotch.

"-Blows my back out every fucking night! I get to have this all for myself! I can't even walk in the mornings. What does your husband do? Cheat on you with the sorority down the fucking block!" He snapped.

Scott revved the engine before speeding off the moment the light went green.

My eyes widened worriedly "Scott slow down" I said nervously.

"No! That bitch pissed me the fuck off!" He seethed.

We were heading straight for a wall "Baby, please there's a wall!" I yelled.

Scott shook his head and slammed on the gas pedal.


"Hey Ace! Wake up!"

I gasped sitting straight up as I looked at Scott. "Baby are you ok?! Are you hurt, oh god how bad was the crash!" I cried.

Scott's eyes widened "Crash?! Wait what did you just call me?-"

"Shit are you bleeding?! Let me see your head, how about your arms and legs?!" I inspected him thoroughly.

"What?! Ace let me g-"

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