(13). Thats Kinda Racist?

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Ace POV 🎒
2 Days Post-Scottpocalypse and Jacksageddon (Friday)

"Alright, Class. Today you'll be watching a brief documentary on Ancient Greece. After this I'll go over a few key facts before I hand out a small pop quiz" Scott said uninterestedly. The class groaned tiredly before Scott glared at us.

I scoffed "What crawled up his ass and Died?" I grumbled. Ever since Thursday he's been acting like a complete prick, giving us more school work, homework and no time to actually do it since he just teaches lessons all day. My best guess is that something happened between him and his brother now that he's back. I guess being neglected and hurt is something we have in common.

Jo chuckled "I mean a rumor did spread that Ms. Degarmo gifted him a buttplug" she whispered, she covered her mouth as she giggled quietly. I raised a brow, hmmm sounds like my cup of tea. I smirked quietly to myself before Scott played the video. He trudged his way back to his seat before huddling over papers with a pen in hand. After what felt like seven years, Scott stood up abruptly and began passing out papers. I smirked knowingly at the messages I wrote, I hope he appreciates them.

After a couple a minutes he lands to me, after placing the sheets of paper on my desk he gives me a tired stressed smile before heading back to his desk. Looking down at the sheets I saw in big bold red letters "Come see me after class..." with a big fat letter F on both sheets. I just sighed, so much for seduction.

Jo smiled at her paper before frowning at sight of mine "Ace if you really want I can tutor you on a couple of classes" she suggested politely. I just shook my head before shoving the papers carelessly into my backpack "I don't think you should waste your time on me. I'm a lost cause Jo" I murmured. She just scoffed "Please, you're one of the smartest people I know. Just cause your grades are low doesn't mean jack shit in real life" she asserted. I just hummed "Sure, whatever you say" I grumbled.

"I'm serious! You can't-"

"Excuse me? Jo, Ace please be quiet while the film is playing" Scott hissed. He glared at me knowingly before continuing to pass out papers. I just rolled my eyes before putting my head down and sleeping, no way in hell am sitting in this class for 40 minutes and watching a video I don't even care about.

Loud taps brought my waking up  as my eyes slowly freaked open

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Loud taps brought my waking up  as my eyes slowly freaked open.  Scott looked at me furiously in front of my desk. "Mm what did I miss Teach?" I murmured groggily. He huffed "Everything! The video, the quiz, my lessons!" He screeched. I waved him off "Mm just put in on my tab sexy" I teased. He was taken aback by my comment, I smirked triumphantly when I saw the hints of red popping up in his cheek.

He quickly composed himself "I-I, that isn't the point, Ace. You're falling behind in History, you know how worried I'm getting? You might not graduate if you don't pull up your grades" he warned. I just scoffed "Why are you so serious about it? I have a whole year to pull my grade, stop making it seem like such a big deal" I dismissed nonchalantly. He groaned "Come on! You can't be so blasé about this! Your other teachers might be afraid of you but I'm not budging" he said sternly. I just rolled my eyes "At least you're nice to look at" I murmured.

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