(6). The Boy Nextdoor

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Scott POV 🎓

"I'm gonna fucking kill him!" My dad snarled. "How much is a hitman? I'm gonna call my friend Mark, he's in the mafia he knows how this stuff works" he said.

My eyes widened "Dad! Please don't kill Kelvin, it'll only make it worse" I begged. I sat on my dads couch covered in a blanket with a tub of ice cream in between my legs as he paces back and forth in front of me.

"Son, Kelvin is so lucky your so kind. He'd be dead by now if you let me " he growled. I rolled my eyes "Dad stop. Can you just sit down next to me" I asked quietly.

He looked at me sadly before sighing "I'm sorry, you know how pissed I am that you had to go through that Scott, it just breaks me seeing you hurting over some asshole who doesn't deserve you" he said. "I know. It's just, I-I spent three years of my life with him a-and for him to just throw it away.." I couldn't finish as tears began to pour out again. I hugged my legs and continued to cry as my dad growled angrily.

"When I get my hands on that man- no! When I get my hands on the BOY, I swear. No one hurts my son" he grumbled. He looked at me worriedly and sighed "Listen bud, I'll go to the store and get you all of your favorite snacks, how does that sound?" I looked up at him and nodded silently.

He gave me a small smile "Alright than, I'll be back in a few. Feel free to make yourself at home" he waved me a goodbye as he left via the garage door.

The door shut and I was met with immediate silence "Guess I should unpack" I sighed out. I grabbed the handful of boxes I had and began to take them upstairs in my childhood bedroom. I lazily tossed my clothes and ties on the bed before disposing of the empty cardboard boxes.

After that I sat on the floor with my legs crossed, looking around my room. It was just like Dad left when I went on to college, cream walls and a queen sized bed and a bunch of Disney movie posters as well as my two bean bag chairs and my PlayStation 3. It was your standard bedroom but that's why I liked it I guess.

I continued to reminisce when the small present Aida had given me caught my eye. I shrugged "Its not like I have anything better to do" I mumbled. I stood up and made my way to the bean bags where I had placed the box and picked it up.

Tearing the gift wrap and opening the box, my jaw dropped at what it was.

She had bought me a buttplug with my name carved out on the handle! The plug itself was a stainless steel, bulbous shaped.. thing. "Christ all mighty what am I gonna do with this?!" I groaned tiredly and tossed it on the bed. At least I can use it now that I'm single-

"Fucking Dumbass!"

I jumped at the voice coming from outside. "Fuck off Ace!" the other voice answered.

Ace?! Oh god, no, he's not..

I quickly shut the blinds in bedroom and made a small gap in the window shutter and peaked my eyes to catch a glimpse. He stood by the front of his door frame laughing and waving at his friends who I'm assuming are leaving.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow at school. Bye Asshole!" The guy yelled, directing it Ace. He chuckled at his response "Fuck off Albert. I'll see you tomorrow Jo" he said. I couldn't help but stare at his attire which was just so.. hot. He wore a white tank top that clung onto him like second skin while paring it with grey sweatpants that hung low around his hips. I grumbled annoyedly, curse guys in grey sweatpants.

After five more minutes of the three bantering they eventually became quiet enough that the whole neighborhood couldn't listen in on there conversation. I pulled away from the blinds and huffed annoyedly, this is some The Boy Next Door type shit.

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