(2). Dating A Lesbian

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Ace ^^^ (Yau Sen Lay/Brendan)

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Ace ^^^ (Yau Sen Lay/Brendan)

Ace POV 🎒

"This is the dumbest idea you've ever came up with" I deadpanned.

Me, Albert, and Jo we're currently walking to school and Jo had a brilliant idea to fake date me to put up a front and mask her raging lesbian energy. We were playing a simple game of Uno the last year when she decided to came out of the closet to us. Well the closet was more or less made of glass so we both saw it coming but that's besides the point.

Albert snickered to my left while Jo slapped my arm. "Shut up Ace! This was the only the idea that I had!" She cried out grumpily. I rolled my eyes "Fake dating me to hide the fact your a lesbian is beyond silly Jo" I explained dryly. Albert began to laugh out loud before Jo punched him in the arm. "Fuck off Albert! Stop acting all high and mighty when you've never even had a stable relationship for more than a month" she snapped.

Alberts face fell "Too soon Jo, too soon" he said glumly. Jo's face softened before she threw her arm around his shoulder "Hey, he doesn't deserve you. If he can have sex with 3 guys at the same time let him. You deserve someone who-"

"Holy shit she's hot" Albert said, eyeing some mom wearing a tracksuit as she walks her Pomeranian down the adjacent sidewalk. Jo groaned out in annoyance "This is why he's single" she said plainly. We both stared at Albert who was blatantly eyeing the mom before a girl, probably her daughter caught up with her.

Alberts face paled before he quickly turned his head the opposite direction, his entire demeanor changed from cocky stereotypical jock, to a timid little puppy. His attempt to slouch in order to make himself smaller was in vain.

Albert was around 6'3 about an inch shorter than me with his pale skin, golden blonde hair and pale green eyes. Albert was your typical hot guy, run of the mill boy next door that anyone would fall over. It doesn't help that he's also the team captain of the football team and wears his varsity jacket all the time, which just makes him look like a football jock 24/7. Although he acts dumb, you'd be surprised how smart he actually is, we recently just got back our SAT scores and the guy didn't even study- he ended up with a 1550/1600. Jo was convinced he cheated to this day since she studied all year for it and only got a 1340.

Jo on the other hand was around 6 foot and she rarely wore flats in public and usually wears heels which made her even taller. He had had a much darker complexion, similar to dark chocolate with a hint of warmth in her skin. She had dark brown eyes and always keeps hair short which has almost become her staple look alongside her tooth gap. She tends to stick to more haute couture and always turns heads when she enters a room. She's the definition of wittiness with sassy remarks and often devastating comebacks that'd put anyone in there place.

"Why are you hiding your face?" I asked, a hint of amusement forming on my face. "Because!.. I hooked up with her daughter at a party last week" he mumbled, blush rising to his cheeks.

Jo cackled like a maniac, attracting the attention of passerby's as well as the mom and girl. "Will you shut it Jo!" Albert growled lowly. Jo shook her head teasingly "No can do Al! This is payback for laughing at me" she replied. Albert groaned in embarrassment before speaking to me "Hey, can I hide behind you as we walk? Jo's being an ass" he grumbled.

She huffed "Hey! Don't bring my boyfriend into this!" She grabbed my arm and leaned into it, looking at me with lovey dovey eyes. Bile crawled it's way up my throat before I shoved her off softly "That's disgusting Jo and we both know it" I said, dry heaving in between my sentences. She pulled away before shrugging "Fair point, I just wanted to piss off Albert" he explained.

He snorted from behind us "Jokes on you two. That shit you guys just pulled was hot as fuck. I'd let both of you do me" he said seductively. Jo gagged dramatically, walking away from us, a disgusted look on her face the whole time. I rolled my eyes at his antics before thumping him in the back of the head. "Horny ass" I mumbled. He whined before rubbing the back of his head.

As we approach the school, Jo grabs my hand and looks at me "You know, I just wanna thank you for helping me out. Ever since what happened last week at the locker room, everyone's been on my tail about my sexuality" she explained. I waved my hand dismissively "It's no problem really, anything for a friend in need. Now come on let's get into character" I replied, a small smile pulling on my lips.

Jo had a little incident last week when she got caught checking out a group of girls. She's been very secretive about sexuality since her parents would practically disown her if they ever found out.

Jo psyched herself up before wrapping her hand around mine. I took off my leather jacket and draped it over her to really sell the illusion. Entering the building we were immediately met with stares from various people. What really had the crowd talking was the fact that I had my arm around Jo's shoulder.

Albert chuckled to himself "Good luck you two. I have to get going, I spot a cutie in need" he gestured to the small guy trying to open his locker before making his way towards him. Jo scoffs "I wonder how that'll end" she said sarcastically.

As more people begin to take notice Jo nudges my side discretely with her elbow, signaling for us to "Walk". What me and Jo really tried emphasizing was that if we were gonna be a quote on quote "couple", we'd be the type of couple that walked in with style and grace. Not the kind of couple that makes out and basically fucks in public, mostly because we weren't into each other. With that in mind you can only imagine how we walked into campus, Jo looked like a model as she strutted down the hall. I on the other hand.. well.. I'm getting there.

"Look at you Mr. Model! Psst, on your left. Some of the football players are eyeing you like a piece of meat!" Jo whispered excitedly. I took a glance at the team and seems she was right. One of the players especially caught my attention, Francisco I think. He winked suggestively at me as if inviting me over with his gaze. He was around 6'1 and packed with lean muscle with hazel eyes and tanned skin. I smirked back, it's cute that he thinks he'll be the top if we ever fuck.

I was brought out of my thoughts when the loud blaring of the bell told everyone to get to class. I grumbled a string of cuss words, I don't really feel like going to class.

I turned to Jo "Did you get your schedule already?" I asked. She nodded "I took a screenshot, you?" I nodded. "Do you have.. err.. Mr. Toby?" I said while looking at phone. She nodded "Why?" she asked. I shrugged "I've never heard of him. Is he new?" I asked. She rolled her eyes "Yes stupid. The principal said it during senior orientation a couple days ago" she said with amusement in her tone.

Figures, I don't pay attention to any of the orientations. I kinda just watched Tik Tok memes during the last one. I huffed "Explains why I don't know. Anyway, wanna ditch class with me? I'm gonna get some food from the vending machine" I asked casually. She thought about it for a second before shrugging "Fuck it, why not" I smiled before grabbing her forearm "Come on I still need to know if they have hot Cheetos" I chirped.


It's complete! Hope you guys like it.

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Bai ❤️

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