Q&A Part 2!

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1. "Where do you get your I inspiration? or ideas for your stories, I love your writing style and all your books. Thank you for writing them."

First off thank you for the lovely words! When I first started writing my first story (Catching Elton) a year ago I wasn't really expecting anyone to read them but hey! Look at me now lmao.

As for my inspiration. I probably get the inspiration from my intense loneliness with being single :/ and I guess I kinda just started projecting that energy into making stories to help fill the void.

Depressing as fuck I know but that's really how I can explain it.

I also get a lot of influence from Gay TikTok and other Gay Wattpad stories lol. 

2. "How did Scott and Kelvin meet? Does Kelvin make a return if so, who whooped his ass this time? Are there any characters that's based on an irl person?"

Scott and Kelvin met in college! I won't go too in depth because I'm thinking about making there backstory more flushed out in a future chapter, sorry for keeping it vague!

As for who is whooping his ass idk there's like a line so maybe it's Jo or Anderson (Scott's Dad) you choose lmao.

No. At least not consciously. It was never my intention to base my characters off of people, my life is pretty boring especially now that I'm just unpacking and quarantining with my dog lol.

3. "Out of all the characters you have written which one do you relate to more?"

Are we talking In this story or just any story?

Any story and probably Connor from my first story, we're both incredibly lonely and crave cuddles 24/7. This one probably Ace I've reached a point in quarantine where nothing fazes me anymore.

4. "What is your sexual orientation"

Gay Guy here 🥴

Gay Guy here 🥴

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5. "How the heck did you think of this amazing book?"

Thank you! For one.

I thought of this book when I saw the Boy next door lmao. I really like the concept of that movie but hated the whole obsession/yandere energy the guy was creating. So I figured I'd make one with my spin on it.

6. "How does it feel to be so iconic and talented"

Feels good 😌😌

(Seriously thank you you're so sweet 🥺🥺🥺)

7. "What did Scott do before high school? Did he ever have a crush or sexual experiences with other teachers"

I'm actually gonna leave this for Scott to answer.

Scott: "Ew! No! All my teachers were assholes in high school! Well.. except for Mr. Wilson but he had a sex scandal a year later so I guess I dodged a bullet"

Ace: " Mr. Wilson.. hmmm. I'm gonna look this guy up.."

Scott: "Ace don't you dare!"

Ace: "I just wanna have a talk with him"

Scott: "You're insane"

Well I guess you an answer lmao

Thanks to @Bhangoo @yukiasena @teresamarquezMARIA
@some_lucky_loser @Princess_BCE @Unfuctioningqueer DejAxl  for the questions and to everyone who has read and supported me!

Much love ❤️

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