(20). Making Him Quiet

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A gay meme

A gay meme

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Ace POV 🎒

"Is this some kind of sick joke?!" Scott snapped. I shook my head "Scott calm down, I know this is a lot to take-" he cut me off with a raise of his hand. "Calm down?! Calm down?! You're telling me that my brother might be a rape victim by my ex boyfriend. And you're telling me to calm down!" He screeched. "Shh!-"

"Don't shush me! This is the last straw! I've dealt with everything you've done to because I genuinely had feelings for you! But the moment you start throwing my family in that's where I cross the fucking line!" He screamed. He continued to fuss and yell, by this point it was an absolute miracle that no one heard us. Scott's voice was getting louder so if I don't shut him up somehow Anderson will end up actually catching me. Nothing wrong with Anderson too, he just talks too much about pasta so I kept my distance.

So I did the next best thing.

I promptly stood up from his bed grabbed him by his waist before tossing him onto the bed. He had no time to react as quickly maneuvered myself on top of him, pinning his small body against mine as he squirmed against the bed. "Wh-what are you doing?! Get-get off me!" He growled.

I rolled my eyes before grabbing his face and slamming my lips onto his. He was in brief state of shock before immediately returning the same level of passion and vigor into the kiss. We fought for dominance, our tongues battling each other till he eventually conceded. My tongue went straight into his mouth as soon as he gave up, catching him off guard. It was like choreographed dance as we followed each other's movements. Every nook and cranny was not spared as I aggressively claimed him for myself.

I smirked proudly at myself when small moans left his lips, reverberating in my mouth as I continued the relentless onslaught on his mouth. After a lust filled minute of intense, passionate kissing I slowly pulled away but not before grabbing his plump bottom lip between my teeth and gently tugging as I pulled away slowly.

Fuck I was getting really horny. My libido was kicked into high gear; I soon focused my attention onto his neck, completely devoid of my marks. I fixed that problem by soon attacking his neck, nipping and sucking on his soft delicate skin as he wrapped his arms around my back, moaning out softly.

Damn it he's getting louder.

I covered his mouth with my free hand as my other grabbed both his wrists and pinned them above him. I continued to leave more and more marks on his neck till I felt satisfied. No one will think twice about claiming what's already mine. We both calmed down and I looked at him straight in the eyes.

"Will you shut up and calm down?" I murmured. He gave me a small nod while catching his breath. "Don't-don't you have a girlfriend?" He said in between breaths. I shrugged "We broke up.." I responded casually. Scott smiled softly before pulling me back in for a small peck on the lips. I gave him a startled look before he blushed "Sorry, I get carried away" he murmured.

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