(22). The New Student

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DejAxl I'm not gonna explain why I tagged you, but I'm here to tell you that this chapter is your moment when you actually get here.

September 7, Monday

Ace POV 🎒

I can't believe a month has already passed since school has started. Ever since the kiss with Scott he's opened up much more to me which I love. Sadly we haven't done much kissing, in fact that we've barely done any kissing. He's always making up excuses when it involves just the two of us being alone.Funny enough he thinks I don't pay attention to our talks over the phone but little does my Teach now I have a plan to surprise him with all his favorite things later this week.

As for my job.

I quit.

After what Scott told me about Jackson and Viktor it didn't sit well with me that, that shitty excuse of a human was my manager. But let's just say I left him a little lesson before I left. I didn't tell Scott either, I'd never hear the end of it with him.

"Are you even listening Ace?!" Jo snapped. I looked up from my phone and looked at Jo and Albert "Huh?" I said uninterestedly. We were in the cafeteria eating breakfast as she spoke "Seriously?! Ace you split Viktors hand in half with a fucking cleaver! Does that not bother you? You could get arrested?!" She whispered angrily.

I shrugged "Really? My hand must have slipped" I said nonchalantly. Jo looked at me in utter disbelief "Really? Your one hand managed to slip and split both his hands in half?" She said sarcastically.

Albert groaned "Calm down Jo. At least he can do the Spock hand signal now" he chirped.

Neither of them know the rumor about Viktor's past is true. It wasn't my place to tell someone's else's story so I just left it at that. Besides Albert already hated the fucker and Jo absolutely despises the bitch despite his kindness to her so I don't know she's so concerned. As for Viktor, I promised a whole lot more than mutilation if he dared try to go to the cops.

"I don't know why you care so much" I mumbled. "I don't! But you could've at least tried to slash his tires-"

"Hey guys!"

Albert stood up "No" he said casually and left the two of us with her. "Amanda! It's so not good to see you!" Jo said politely. "I hate her" I deadpanned.

Her face fell "Look! I know you guys might think I'm a racist but I've grown! I educated myself on the topic and I'm sorry for my past comments" she said guiltily. She plopped what looked to he homemade cookies in front of us and smiled "I made them!" She chirped.

"I can tell. They look gross" I retorted.

"Hello? Sorry to intrude, but is anyone sitting here" a girl asked quietly, gesturing to Alberts seat.

I looked passed Pinky's flat ass and saw a girl around Jo's height with a trey of breakfast in her hands. She wore high waisted jeans and a long sleeved black shirt with a matching hijab that loosely fitted her head.

Pinky huffed before shoving past her and sitting in Alberts spot "Yeah, me. How about you leave and find another seat? Can't you see we're busy, also it's spring hoodies are so out of season" she barked.

The girl looked at Pinky from top to bottom before speaking "Its a hijab" she corrected. Pinky gasped "So you're like suppose to be a terrorist or something I don't get it? Maybe you should take it off so nobody confuses you for an isis member. Show off your hair like me" She snapped.

My jaw dropped.

Jo looked at me knowingly "Get her-"

I slammed my hands on the table and stood up "You know what Pinky?" I sneered. I turned to her slowly "It's not for you to get! If she wants to wear a hijab let her, don't dictate what other people can wear because it's not your fucking place. I'm sick and tired of hearing you spew out offensive uneducated, bullshit! Isis?! Really?! Can you be any more blatant with your dumbass. And by the way, no one wants to see your dry ass, faded highlights, dishwater colored hair. You know what you need? Conditioner!" I spewed.

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