(16). Stop Hiding It

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2020 ^^^

Scott POV 🎓

This is very awkward.

We had just drove out of the school parking lot where Ace decided to put Jackson on blast. "Sooo.. do you have anything for me to use now that I'm.. handicapped" I asked hesitantly. Jackson didn't response at first, too deep in thought I guess. "Uh, yeah. I have crutches in my room somewhere that I brought back" he murmured soon after.

I was a little bit concerned by how tightly he was gripping the steering wheel, to the point that his knuckles were bone turning white. "You know you don't have to grip the steering wheel so tightly" I observed. And again he wasn't paying attention, like something was distracting him. I looked at him quizzically before nudging his shoulder. He jumped looking at me with pure fear in his eyes.

Immediately he calmed down when he saw me. "I-I have to stop by a gas s-station" he stammered. He quickly picked up speed and took a sharp turn into the nearest 7-11 before sloppily parking the car. He shakily took the keys out of the ignition switch as he began to shake "Woah! What's wrong Jack? Do you need-"

"Don't call me Jack!" He roared. He frantically opened the car door before getting out. He practically ran inside, almost falling a handful of times before I lost sight of him in the gas station.

The hell?! I always called him Jack when we were kids, even when I came out to him?! For almost an hour and a half he was inside the gas station. I had opened the car door to keep myself from overheating since he didn't lock it, but I still couldn't help but be worried about his weird behavior.

Than it hit me.

I've seen this behavior before when I learned about wars, particularly the twentieth century ones. Both World Wars had this kind of behavior when soldiers returned home, often reliving traumatic experiences they saw in the battlefield. The violent shaking, glazed eyes, jumpy, and panic attacks. It had many names: Battle Fatigue, Shell Shock, Soldiers Heart, now more commonly known as PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).

For those who don't know PTSD is a disorder in which a person has difficulty recovering after experiencing or witnessing a terrifying event. The condition itself may last months or years, with triggers that can bring back memories of the trauma accompanied by intense emotional and physical reactions. With that in mind it becomes very obvious that Jackson has it, but the thing is, what the hell did Jackson see that disturbed him so much? I'm guessing Aces barrage must of triggered something since he was so out of it during the car ride.

I eventually saw Jackson pop back out, completely calm and collected as he gave me a small smile while waving. And just like that he was back to normal. He gave me a sheepish grin "I'm so sorry for the wait Scott. I-I was just um.. it was nothing" he explained a she entered the car.

"Nothing? You were gone for an hour and a half! I got worried something happened to you!" I explained anxiously. He nodded before dismissing it with a wave of his hand "Oh don't be. It's about you from now on, don't worry about me" he said reassuringly. He gave me a soft pat on the back before placing a small bag of ice on my lap. "I figured it melted while I was gone" he explained.

"Do you have PTSD Jackson?"

He froze for a split second before laughing anxiously "No! Of course not! I'm perfectly fine Scott. Let's just go home so I don't keep you waiting any longer" he completely ignored my question as he started the engine. "Do you want anything to eat? I saw a fast food place on the way here" he questioned.

I shook my head "Jackson stop avoiding my question and answer me straight" I said sternly. He looked at me blankly with pursed lisp  "For the last time I'm fine! Stop worrying about me Scott! I'm not that important! Let's focus on you, you're the one that's injured here" he replied frustratedly.

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