(33). A Ruined Date?

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Scott POV 🎓

"Jackson what do you think a guy like Ace likes?" I asked anxiously. He shrugged "I don't know you?.." He said confusedly.

I groaned "No like what should I wear to impress Ace!" I said frantically, I crammed myself in my small closet, rummaging through clothes as Jackson spoke.

Class had ended already and I hurriedly headed home. Ace was absent today but it was for the date so he had all day to prepare.

"Hmmm, well I always think Benny looks nice in white.. What place are you two eating at?" He asked. I sighed "It was suppose to be a French place but now I don't know!" I said worriedly.

The doorbell rang.

I paled "Wait! Oh god he's here too early!" I gasped. Jackson shook his head, standing up from my bed "Why don't you just ask him what to wear?" He said. I looked at him "Huh?! I can't do that!" I cried. He had a bored looked "Really? Why?" He said peeved. I groaned "I don't want him seeing me while I'm not.. you know.. looking nice" I mumbled.

Jackson rolled his eyes "He's literally seen you with his penis in your mouth. And here's the thing.. he doesn't care how you look. Have you seen how he looks at you the mans in love! obsessed! Trust me" he said.

My hole clenched at the thought.. "Well, I think love is a little drastic don't you think? It's barely about to be the second month. Just.. just thanks, it really helps anyway" I said, blushing.

He smiled "No problem, now let me get the door downstairs" he chirped.

I panicked internally.

I moved even faster, throwing bits and pieces of clothes over my head as I searched for the perfect look. I decided to throw on my favorite button up, all my nice shirts are crinkled because Kelvin fucking through them in my suitcase without any care. I really wanted to look extra special for Ace but I don't have anything's that can wow him.

I grabbed a pare of grayish jeans and a converse shoe.

I looked in in the mirror and sighed "I look so average, like I didn't try for him.." I mumbled dejectedly. I can't be this upset over pieces of fabric. I felt my eyes well up with tears. Oh come one body it's not that serious!..

I cried out in frustration, I'm gonna ruin this date, I look terrible! I pulled my button up which was torn, badly sewn together with a fumbled piece of paper at the back.

It was a shitty apology from Kelvin, he explained they he tore it while he was packing my stuff. I pouted, I really liked this shirt too. My eyes pooled up as I sat down on the edge of my bed hopelessly. I'm getting in my head again, all this self doubt is getting to me from my past experiences.

"Always look good for me" is what Kelvin would say, and I'm doing the completely opposite.

And my chances are ruined yet again.

I sighed quietly as three brief knocks were made at my door. "Goodluck on your date bro! Your boy toy is about to come in!" Jackson chirped. I looked away, I can't look at aces reaction to me.

I tried to stifle my sniffles, I can't really be crying about my clothes right now it's so selfish.

The door creaked open "Hey Teach I got you flo- what the hell happened?! It looks like a hurricane went through here!" Ace said. I didn't respond and just slouched even further, hoping a hole would open up and consume me from this humiliation.

Footsteps could be heard before my bed dipped beside me Ace pulling me close to him as he tucked me under his arm. "Hey? What's wrong? Do you not wanna go on the date? It's fine if you don't want too, I'm not forcing you" he explained softly. I shook my head "It's not that-

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