(23). Whats Happy Juice?

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The evils don't deserve faces 💅

After school

I changed chapter 23. The original was too sad and I didn't wanna rush the story

Scott POV 🎓

"Oh yeah... Wait! No! He can't do that!" I cried. I continued to binge read a gay comic I found on Tapas. I was still waiting for Ace since he probably has to take a shower after P.E.


My eyes bulged out of there sockets when I landed on the next chapter the two men kissing passionately on the bed. I released an internal squeal as they began to taking off each other's clothing.

Sweet Jesus I have to stop I'm on campus still.


No ones here so it wouldn't hurt to keep reading. I looked up from my desk to check if anyone was near before hunching back down behind my stack of papers. I bit my upper lip hungrily as I read the smut like my life depended on it.

The larger man grabbed his boyfriend by the neck and aggressively pinned him to the wall before claiming his lips. The kiss itself looked rough and untamed as there tongues fought for dominance.

I released an external sigh, I wish someone could do that to me. Kelvin never bothered to do anything kinky, he always thought I was nasty for having the thoughts so I never brought it up with him.

As I continued to read, the bigger guy began tying him up-

"Sorry I took a while some of the guys were taking too long in damn shower"

I squealed in fear, involuntarily chucking my phone in the air. Ace with his quick reflexes caught my phone face down just before it landed on the tile floor.

I took a quick glance at beautiful specimen before me, he looked flawless in a simple black sweatpant, white t shirt and worn converse shoes. He flipped his damp hair before looking at me curiously "Jumpy today aren't we?" He chuckled. He looked at my phone cautiously "What were you looking at?" He teased. My eyes widened when he slowly flipped my phone over.

"Ace wait!" I screeched.

I jumped up from my seat and rounded the corner before tackling him to the ground. Ace instinctively wrapped his arms around me, using his body to break both of our falls.

We fell on the ground with a resonant thud, but it was Ace who took the brunt of the fall. I laid on his chest awkwardly, "Fuck thats gonna hurt later" he groaned. I quickly got off him and crouched next to him "Shit, shit, shit. I'm so sorry Ace I-I was just-"

I helped him sit up closely as he clutched his side tightly "No you're good, shouldn't have teased" he moaned. He handed me my phone before shrugging off the pain. He than looked at me worriedly "Are you ok? Does anything hurt" he murmured. He began to slowly inspect my arms and torso.

"Me?! Ace you took all the force for crying out loud! Here let me get something cold from the mini fridge" I worried.

"Wait you have a mini fridge in here?!" He exclaimed.

I pushed my papers out of the way to reveal the small silver box of heaven "Shh! Don't tell the other teachers" I whispered. I grabbed a cold can of soda and went back to give it to Ace. He gave me a brief smile before trying to reach the area. He grumbled a string of curses "Can you do it? I can't reach the area on my back" he explained.

I looked at him in surprise "I-Uh sure" he handed me the can as I slowly went behind him before lifting the back of his shirt.

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