(29). His Secrets Unfold

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This is by far one of the saddest chapters I've ever written.

It contains some sensitive stuff and pretty descriptive gore for those who are squeamish.

Also contains mentions of self harm and suicide.

Scott POV 🎓

"You stay here, I'm gonna talk to Jackson for bit ok? Be good!" I huffed. I closed the door a little too loudly and marched down stairs to talk to Jackson.

Once I was down he was whisking cake batter in a metal bowl. "Jackson we have to talk" I said sternly.

He looked at me tiredly "Scott I'm not talking about this-"

"Benny told me you did self harm, well use to" I deadpanned.

Jackson froze and looked at me slowly, he cursed to himself quietly before slowly placing the mixing bowl down on the counter. "Scott look. I didn't want Benny to tell you about my.. erm.. problem. So if we can just ignore this conversation till later-"

"Cut the BS Jackson. I'm tired. I hate seeing you hurt and not willing to open up about it" I said. He looked at me, conflicted if he should talk or not.


I turned around to see Benny running towards Jackson. "Oh thank god you're okay!" He cried. He ran up to him and pulled him in for an embrace, stuffing his face in Jacks chest.

Jackson smiled softly as he looked down at Benny, slowly hugging him back.

When Benny pulled away Jackson spoke. "Baby why did you tell him?" He asked.

Benny's face fell before he looked at me and back him "He deserves to know, you're Dad does too" he explained. Jackson shook his head "No they don't. I thought we talked about this.. It's not that serious, it could be worse" he explained sheepishly.

I nodded "You're right it could be worse. But that doesn't discredit what's happening now. Just talk to me please!" I begged.

Jackson bit his lip hesitantly.

Suddenly he grunted "I'm going to the bathroom. Give me a couple mintues" he grumbled. He stormed passed the both of us and slammed the bathroom door shut when he got there.

I looked at Benny worriedly "Benny is he ok alone in there?! We have razors in there" I asked.

Benny nodded "He doesn't cut, he bruises himself" he explained quietly.

I looked at him surprised "Huh?" I mumbled quietly.

Listen, Scott can we talk?" He murmured. I nodded "Of course" I mutter quietly. Benny sighed as he inches his way out of Jackson embrace. "Let's go to the kitchen just in case he comes back" he explained.

He lead the way before he leaned on the counter and rubbed his temples frustratedly "I'm-I'm just gonna keep this simple Scott. Jackson started hurting himself again" he stated bluntly. "He would.. he would hit himself in his arms and legs with a blunt object to the point that-that he'd bruise dark blue and red" he choked.

I looked at Benny in disbelief "Wha-what? Than we have to get him out of the bathroom!" I stammered. "No, don't bother. Every time I would try and open the door he'd just go harder so the bruise would show up faster.." he explained glumly.

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