(11). His Subtle Limp P.1

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Jackson ^^^ (Dusty Lachowicz)

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Jackson ^^^ (Dusty Lachowicz)

Scott POV 🎓

"I think I'm done for today" I told myself. I placed the graded paper in the pile with rest before putting away the ones for tomorrow. I checked the time to see if Dad has left to pick up Jackson yet. I thinks it's time I tell him the truth between me and Jackson.

I went down stairs to check and a small sigh of relief hits me when I saw him sitting on the couch browsing through his phone. "Dad are you leaving yet?" I asked curiously. He looked up from his phone and gave me a small smile "Not yet, I still have about fifteen minutes before I go. What's up?" He responded.

I shrugged "Nothing, it's just.. I have something to tell you about Jack-"

I was cut off by the sound of the doorbell ringing. "Oh, hold that thought, can you get the door?" He asked. "I have no clue who could be up at this hour" he grumbled to himself before he stood up to go to the bathroom. I sighed frustratedly, could this person have came at any other time!

I stormed my way to the front door and swung it open. "Sorry, it's pretty late can you-"


My eyes snapped up to meet Jackson's bewildered ones. My brain malfunctioned as my mouth began to dry up like the Sahara. Holy shit he's actually here, in front of me. He's much taller than I remembered or maybe it's the uniform that gives off the added height. He stood in front of me with another person in the same outfit, although a little shorter he still towered over me considerably. Jackson held a Camo duffel bag filled with what I presume was his stuff, along with the guy next to him.

It was tense couple of seconds as we stared at each other awkwardly. Jackson decided to break the silence first with and unsure smile as he spoke "S-Scott! It's so good to see y-you!" He chirped nervously. He tried to go in for a hug but I swiftly shut him down with a soft push to his chest.

I shook my head "T-that won't be necessary Jackson. I-it's good to see you too" I said with false enthusiasm. "S-so who's this?" I asked curiously, I was hoping that this would be the ice breaker to cut the awkward tension between us.

Jackson didn't get a chance to speak before the guy spoke for himself "Hi! I'm Benny, Jackson's friend!" He said excitedly, he waved at me enthusiastically till I waved back with a timidness in my hand. Jackson groaned "No need to be loud Ben" he grumbled. Ben punched Jackson lightly in the arm "Oh don't be like that you grumpy bear" he cooed. He turned and looked looked to me knowingly "I'm sure you had deal with him when he still lived with you guys" he said jokingly.

His teasing remark sent a of emotions hits me like a semi as the memories of abuse came flooding back in my mind. Even though the memories were always there, I've always tried to suppress them as best as I could to prevent the exact thing that's happening to me right now. I choked up quietly while trying to suppress the emotions back down.

Jackson noticed the immediate change in my behavior and punched Benny in the arm. "What the hell did I just tell you when we were on our way here?!" He growled lowly. Benny nodded frantically before apologized profusely to me "I'm so sorry! I forgot, I didn't mean to upset you like that-"

I raised my hand "I-it's fine. You weren't the ones that caused those memories" I knowingly stared at Jackson's guilty expression before dad showed up.

"Scott who was it- Holy shit! Jackson!" He cried. Jacksons eyes widened before dropped his duffel bag as Dad ran up to him before picking him up in a tight embrace. Considering Jackson is actually taller than dad, it's a testament to my fathers strength that he can still lift Jackson clean off the ground. "I can't believe you're here!" He cried on Jackson's shoulder while I stood behind him "I can't either" I grumbled quietly. The brief wave of sadness subsided and was replaced with bitter anger for Jackson's return.

Dads joyous reaction to Jackson's surprise continued in for a couple more minutes before he spoke. "You lying son of a bitch! You texted me that you just got off the plane!" He said excitedly. Jackson only chuckled "That wouldn't be exciting now wouldn't it" he said jokingly. He continued "Say, last time I checked you told me Scott was living with his boyfriend?" He asked curiously. Dads face recoiled into hesitance as he looked to me for permission.

I nodded in response "Well, his boyfriend kind of.. cheated on him and than kicked him out.." Dad drawled out awkwardly. Jackson happy expression immediately turned angry "What?! Who the fuck does he think he is?! Where does he live?!" He growled angrily.

I scoffed "You don't have the right" I retorted. Jacksons gaze looked to me before he toned down his angered expression. Dads face went into visible confusion at the exchange between the two of us "..Alright. Well enough of that. How about you two head upstairs to Jackson's old room and change into something more "civilian" I'm sure the military life must of been fun and all but the foods almost ready and I don't want those uniforms stained" he joked.

Jackson and Benny gave Dad a brief of nod before heading upstairs with their bags in hand. As they headed inside, I noticed a subtle limp in Jackson's stride as walked inside, which prompted Benny to mouth out sorry to Jackson. Jackson only glared at Benny before they head upstairs.

Suddenly Jackson almost trips on the first step which prompted Benny to catch him before he fell. Jackson quickly turned to the two of us with an awkward laugh as he waved off the mistake "I-I s-stubbed my toe on the way here" he explained nervously. Bennys smirked at Jackson before he elbowed him the ribs. His eyes widened as he emphatically nodded in agreement with Jackson's statement. They hurried upstairs leaving me and Dad a curious duo.

Dad turned to me "I can't believe he's actually back Scott" dad sniffled quietly before composing himself "Come one let's set up the table before they head downstairs" he choked excitedly. I smiled at my dads reaction, oh if only you knew what I've been through Dad.


Update! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. This is only the beginning between the two brothers. Tell me your thoughts on Jackson? 👻👻

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Bai ❤️

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