(40). More Cuddle Time

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Scott loves leaving marks

Ace POV 🎒

"So y'all just did it.. In the shower stall?" Jo questioned. I nodded my head slowly "Yes Jo we did, were you not paying attention" I deadpanned. Jo shook her head "Well maybe if my girlfriend wasn't so needy I would be able to" she hissed, glaring at Fatima. Fatima slapped her arm "Kiss me!" She snapped, tugging at Jo's arm. She sighed "Needy bottoms I swear" she grumbled.

We were hanging out at the park today when the topic of Scott came up. Unfortunately Albert being a nosey little prick noticed the scratches on my back and brought up the topic of Scott.

Little did anyone know we went for multiple rounds when we got back to his bedroom. Don't fret though we ate the pizza after so it's all good.

"Did you eat his ass?" Albert chirped.

Yes, multiple times after we got back.

Luckily I was already being picked up by Jackson so I could just ignore Albert now. I narrowed my eyes at him "That's none of your damn business" I hissed. Albert chuckled quietly "You ate his ass!" He yelled. I fumed quietly as Albert kept babbling "I know that look, you totally ate him out. Tell us did you like?" He asked. I quickly shoved passed Albert "Bye Jo, Albert" I grumbled, and headed to Jackson who was still searching for me.

I was so close to beating Alberts ass in the middle of the sidewalk, but I had to wait for Jackson to pick me up and I wasn't about to let him see a crime scene.

"Ace! There you are" Jackson's attention focused on me. "I got some stuff from the grocery store today. Scott said he wanted some chicken nuggets so I got some from that fast food place you use to work at" he explained.

I froze "Oh? Did you see anyone in particular?" I question cautiously. Jackson shrugged "No, I saw the new manager though. Apparently the old manager just.. disappeared. Rumor has it that he was murdered, but if that's true they still haven't found his body" he explained.

My brows scrunched "Oh? That's unfortunate" I replied. Jackson nodded "Tell me about it, It-It doesn't make sense" he huffed. I shrugged "I don't know. He was a dick though from what I remembered.." I explained. I smirked internally at the news.

Jackson nodded in acknowledgment "Anyway, just wanted to know what happened with Scott the other day? He literally couldn't walk, you had to carry him upstairs and everything!" He said in amazement. I chuckled "We did a lot of leg exercises at the gym, guess he just really sore" I replied. "That's cool glad you really push in the habit real deep for him, he was never one for any leg workouts" he chirped.

I got a nervous laugh from his comment "Hehe yeah, real deep I tell you" I chuckled.

Once we made to the house Jackson handed me chicken nuggets before I went straight upstairs to see Scott.

Whining in pain as he clutched the bed sheets.

"Baby?" I cooed.

Scott glared at me "You monster! My boy bits hurt from that thing you call a penis! I thought the gym would be it but you were already hard by the time we got in bedroom and thought 'Oh you know what would be fun.. shoving my horse cock inside an already recovering hole' again, and again." He growled. I tilted my head "You made it sound like you didn't like it" I said in amusement.

"Shut up you know what I mean!" He snapped.

His bedroom was pitch black, only lit up by the Tv screen playing Avatar the last Airbender. Scott was on his bed snuggling up to a pillow, only his head popped out from the mountain of blankets covering him.

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