(15). The Confrontational Type

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Spaghetti condom ^^

Ace POV 🎒

"The fact that they actually gave you condoms" Scott grumbled with his arms crossed. We were waiting at a school bench facing the parking lot  for his brother to pick him up. Class was still going on but I didn't really care so I took a quick shower in the locker room and changed into a new pair of clothes while we waited for his brother. "They're too small for me anyway, I need bigger ones"  I replied. He turned to me with a disturbed look on his face "But he gave you an XL?!" He asked, somewhat unsettled as he subtly looks down at my shorts.

He ain't slick.

"For someone who's so against sex you're such a pervert you know that?" I stated bluntly. He blushed at my comment before covering his face "You're attractive ok! How am I suppose to look at you and think otherwise?" He said through his muffled face. I raised a brow "Oh so you admit it?" I commented.

His eyes widened "No! You're cute I'll admit, but not that cute. Like you're really hot and all-Shit you're a student I can't say that.. I mean you really are a piece of meat-WORK! Piece of work you know that?! But, no I didn't admit anything. I'm just making a-a statement..." He stammered, he rubbed his arm as he sunk into the bench.

"I'm a piece of work? Yeah sure I am" I mocked. Scott's eyes turned into narrow slits as he glared at me "Shut up before I fail you" he threatened. "Shut up before I fuck you" I retorted.

His jaw gaped at my response, "You can't talk to a teacher like that" he warned. I nodded "But I can talk to a slut like that" replied casually. He growled angrily but it sounded more like a hamster squeaking if I'm being honest. "That is it! I will not be bullied and harassed by a delinquent like you on school grounds" he snapped.

I raised a brow head in amusement, if thinks that's disrespectful he's really not gonna like this. I smirked playfully before before suddenly grabbing his neck and squeezing softly. He released a small moan of pleasure before looking at me in shock. I forcefully pulled him closer to my face, and just like I predicted, he whimpered quietly as he squirmed in my grip. At this point I didn't really care who was watching as he gripped my forearms in a feeble attempt to remove them from his neck.

I snarled lowly at Scott which seemed to have gotten his attention "Listen hear Teach. I don't appreciate being called a delinquent. Not by students, not by teachers, and especially not by teachers who act all polite and superior in public but behind closed doors turn into complete whores begging to be fucked and destroyed-" I tightened my grip around his neck which caused an immediate moan in response from Scott. I smirked "Now be a good boy and let's wait for your brother" I chirped. "Y-yes, Ace" he murmured. I released my grip and he gasped quietly. I rolled my eyes "So dramatic" I mumbled.

It had been a good 10 minutes since the whole intimidation scene with Scott when he accidentally injured himself

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It had been a good 10 minutes since the whole intimidation scene with Scott when he accidentally injured himself. He adjusts himself in his seat wincing in pain when he unknowingly placed some weight on his injured leg. My eyes widened as I rushed to his side when he tried to put more weight on his leg, causing his ice pack to fall on the ground. "Woah, woah, what the hell do you think you're doing?! You don't wanna hurt yourself even more" I scolded. He gave me a timid nod as I grabbed the ice pack from the floor and put his inured leg on my lap before grabbing my compression bandage from my backpack.

"What's that?" He asked curiously. "Compression bandage, helps reduce swelling on an injury like sprains" I explained. He nodded before his face scrunched into confusion. "Why is it so tattered and worn down?" He questioned. I shrugged "These were from freshman year to junior year. My good ones are in my duffle bag in the locker room, so you just have to deal with this for now" I wrapped the beige fabric around his ankle firmly before plopping the half melted ice pack on his ankle. I than elevated his leg by putting it on top of my backpack. "Thanks" he murmured shyly. I smiled "Don't mention it, just try and be more careful next time" I hummed. 

We waited a couple more minutes before Scott's phone began ringing. He pulled his phone out of his pocket before speaking "I'll get that-"

I snatched his phone from his hands. "Ace! What the hell! Give that back that's my brother!" He groaned in annoyance. He tried snatching his phone from my but I pulled back further before covering his mouth and answering.

"Hello? Scott I'm here in the parking lot like you said" Hmm Jackson sounds more douchy than I expected. "Alright thanks for telling us" I answered.

Brief silence was what I was met with "....Wait who the fuck is this?! Where's my baby brother?!" He growled angrily. I laughed internally as I continued "This is Scott's boytoy, Ace. We're at the bench on the front- FUCK"

I pulled my hand away from Scott's face, the little fucker bit me! He snatched his phone back from me before slapping my in the arm angrily. "You're such a bitch!" He cried out angrily.

He frantically placed the phone next to his ear "Hello?! Yes this is Scott, Jackson. No he's not- he's not my 'boytoy' Jackson I'm not being kidnapped. Jackson he's my student! No I'm not sleeping with him can you just pick me up! We'll talk about this in the car" he grumbled. He ended the call and began hitting me angrily.

"I-Hate-You!" He screamed. I broke into a fit of laughter as he muttered ow with each hit. "Damn it why are you made of muscle! It's not fair that it's hurting me more than you!" He whined. "No one told you to hit me" I said amusingly.


His brother yelled through the car window. His brows scrunched "Why don't you have a wheelchair?!" He asked. Scott elbowed me in the rib "Because this guy thought it would be cute to carry me everywhere"he responded. Jackson snapped his attention to me before narrowing his eyes "So you're Ace? Hmm.. Alright, I'm on to you" he drawled suspiciously.

I scoffed "Last time I checked I wasn't the one who verbally, physically, emotionally abused, and socially isolated their brother for almost a decade. Not to mention sleep with their first boyfriend but that's a conversation for another time. Check yourself before you try me" I retorted.

Jackson was taken aback before slowly lowering his head shamefully. "What the hell Ace?!" Scott snapped. I shrugged "He started it with his 'suspicious' bullshit. If anyone has the right to be suspicious it should be me. For all we know he could punch a you in the face and than use his homosexuality to justify his actions" I insulted.

"Ace stop it" Scott warned.

"Or maybe he's gonna sleep with your next boyfriend cause he's a home wrecking son of a bitch who doesn't care for anyone but himself" I spat out.

"Damn it Ace stop!" Scott screamed.

"Fuckers like him deserve to rot in prison for how they treat others, especially other family members" I stood up abruptly, and stomped my way over to his car before pointing at him  "Do you feel proud of the shit you've done Jackson?! Hurting your brother must be something you're so proud of huh?! You know your guilt makes up for absolutely nothing of what Scott has went through in his past" I hissed.

He turned his head away from me, still facing looking down as Scott screamed for me to stop from behind.  "You're a fucking coward Jackson, can't even look at me in the eyes while I'm talking. How about you take accountability for the shit you've done instead of apologizing like the pussy ass bitch you are" I chastised.

I walked back over to Scott grabbing his stuff as I I placed them inside the SUV. Scott didn't talk as I picked him up and placed him in the passenger seat next to Jackson. Eventually they drove off, leaving me to wait for Albert.


Short chapter everyone!

Thoughts on Aces outburst to Jackson?

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Bai ❤️

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