(37). Everyone Loves Food

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Scott POV 🎓
December 20

"Ace!" I whined.

I've been having a lot of nightmares lately and today unfortunately wouldn't be any different. Ace grumbled tiredly "Mmm shut up its too early for this shit, I'm trying to sleep" he grumbled.

His eyes peaked open at me his entire demeanor changing once he saw my face "Have you been crying? Aww baby I'm sorry I was just tired.. fuck I feel like a dick now" he explained. I looked at him confusingly "Crying?" I touched my cheek and felt a wetness before looking back at Ace "Probably my nightmare again" I explained.

Aces brows scrunched, he yawned obnoxiously before pulling me in for a kiss "So you remember what it was about?" He mumbled softly. I sighed "Nope, I'd tell you in a heartbeat trust me, it's just been really hard trying to remember it" I explained.

He chuffed quietly "Well if you remember or have a another one than tell me ok, otherwise I'll be going back to bed" he explained. Leaning his head against my chest, he grumbled against me before pulling me closer to him. "Mmm, comfortable.. soft" he murmured.

We were watching a cute Christmas film when Ace Fell asleep last night. He thought the guy was so stupid for letting a girl influence like him that. I wonder when he'll find out that's also what he's been doing with me.

He had laid his head in my chest while I played with his hair, which is starting to get long since Halloween. He's also been gaining some scruff around his jaw, which feels really scratchy when we kiss. I wonder how it's gonna feel down there.. if you know what I mean..

The sound of his phone ringing forced him up as he groaned tiredly. I smiled, sitting up to let Ace grab his phone from across me.

He pulled me back down and laid his head on my chest "Babe its easier for you to get my phone.. can you check it please? The password is 'TinyBoyfriend#69'" he grumbled.

I looked at him in surprise.. this man is letting me look at his phone purposely?! "Are.. are you sure? I don't wanna intrude on your privacy" I explained. Ace whined against my shirt "Babe please I wanna nap.. you smell like cookies" he mumbled, snuggling up to me as he tried to get his shut eye.

I looked at him with pure disbelief.. he-he trusts me? I grabbed his phone from the bedside counter and quickly out in his password before a quick message from Albert popped up. "It's Albert.. he's wants to know if you wanna hang out. You can if you want too, I don't really-"

"Tell him no, I'm busy" he explained.

"B-busy?! Ace it's ok I'm good if you don't want-"

He gripped onto my inner thigh "Tell him I'm busy.. I'm spending time with you right now he can wait" he hissed. He gave me a brief peck on the check before snuggling up in the crook of my neck "You smell like a bakery" he uttered softly.

He pulled me closer to him as I texted back Albert. After I sent the text I put his phone on my side of the counter and looked at him "Ace are you sure I don't wanna make you angry-"

He shut me right up with a kiss on the lips, pulling away slowly with annoyed look "I don't know if it's your exes that made you think my time should be spent with my friends. It's not, I spend my time however the fuck I feel like it and I want to spend it with you.. my one and only bean teacher" he growled.

He snuggled up to my chest and huffed "And if you don't like that than deal with it" he snapped.

I nodded slowly "Ok.. sorry" I murmured. Ace sighed "Don't apologize just because I love being with you" he explained. I blushed "I'm sorry-er I mean I just feel really bad-"

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