(18). Go Away Kelvin

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Gay memes ^^^


I was just wondering..

What are you guys thinking about the story so far? I've been anxious cause in the back of my mind I think everyone hates it and they're just being nice with the comments.

Thanks! :)

Scott POV 🎓

Ugh I hate this. I was sitting on the couch with my leg propped up as everyone els freely walked around. "Jackson can you get my phone? I forgot it while I was heading upstairs" I asked.

He nodded before heading upstairs "So how long do you think you'll be out of commission?" My dad asked. I shrugged "Maybe a couple weeks, why?" Dad huffed "I don't really wanna see your brother right, so asking him to help me instead of you is very anger inducing" he explained.

I gave my Dad a harsh stare "Dad he's your son! Don't you think hitting him on the side of his stomach was enough? It bruised like crazy!" I scolded. My dads brows scrunched "Hit him on his side? A bruise?! I didn't touch him?" He responded, a look of confusion was on both of our faces. I saw Benny come out of the kitchen which prompted me to call for him

"Benny!" I called. He turned to me with his long curly hair in a bun as he walked over. "Yeah? What's up, I'm just finishing lunch" he chirped. "Where did Jackson get his bruise from?" I asked slowly. Benny tilted his head "Bruise? He hasn't told me anything about a bruise.. I'll uh.. go ask him" he explained calmly. He was trying to hide his undertone of anxiousness as he went upstairs.

He knows something we don't.

"Suspicious ain't even the half of it" my dad commented. I sighed before he leaned in his recliner seat and closed his eyes. Probably gonna do one of those dad naps on the recliner that dads do.. to take naps.. on the recliner.

The doorbell caught me completely off guard as I chucked an empty water bottle at him. "Can you open it? I'm kinda injured here?" I explained. My dad flipped me off with his eyes still shut "You have crutches, use them" he grumbled.

I rolled my eyes before silently mocking my dad "YoU hAvE cRuTcHeS uSe ThEm" I mocked. I slowly struggled to get up before using my crutches to get to the front door. Opening it slowly, I was met-

"Oh come on!" I whined.

Kelvins grin fell when he saw me in my crutches "Jesus Christ what happened?! Are you ok?!" He said in shock. I gave him and incredulous look "Really?! You kick me out and now you care?! Fuck off maybe?" I spat.

I was awkwardly balancing my entire body weight on one leg while my crutches kept me up as he pulled flowers from behind him. "I lost my phone a couple days ago, I-I tried looking for all the places that you usually like going too.. but than I realized those were my favorite places and I kinda dragged you with me" he explained awkwardly.

I have him a bored look "How did you even get my Dads address anyway? I never told you" I hissed. He gave me a sheepish grin "I told the school you worked for that I was your boyfriend and that it was an emergency. I was surprised when you still had my number as one of your emergency contacts. At least I know you care!" he chirped.

I cursed to myself "Fuck, I forgot to remove you.. And they gave you my address?! They can't do that!" I snapped. He gave me a lopsided grin as he shrugged. "Well they didn't, I kinda stole it?" He explained.

My jaw fell "Thats it I'm calling the cops" I deadpanned.

I was ready to turn around when Kelvin grabbed my arm "Please! Let me talk, here, I know how much you love flowers" he explained softly. I narrowed my gaze at the flowers before looking back up "First off let me go-" i shrugged him off harshly as I continued "Second, you really think flowers are gonna make me come running back to you?" I retorted.

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