(27). Football Players Clash

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Scott POV 🎓
September 8,
After School

I was grading papers like a madman, I got not sleep and instead ended up cuddling with Ace in the bed. My eyes were bloodshot as I tiredly skimmed papers, not even bothering to check for right answers and just making sure that something was written down.

I was so tired that Jackson ended up having to take the both of us to school. Jackson being the only person to actually be aware of our relationship just glared at Ace through the rear view mirror.

My thoughts were cut short by the sound of a loud thud coming echoing down the hall, followed my cheering. Suddenly one of my students came running inside my classroom "Mr. Toby! A fights broken out between my boyfriend JJ and Albert! Please stop before they get seriously injured!" He panted.

My eyes widened before I stood up from my seat and followed the student.

We eventually came up on the crowd, pushing my way past I made in the center where Albert and JJ were dancing circles around each other.

"The fuck did you say about my boy?!" Albert hissed. Arlo squealed in fear, tugging on Alberts shirt to try and get him out. JJ's nose scrunched before be scowled "Me?! You were talking shit about my boy! Saying stuff about how he's a whore!" He seethed. Alberts brows scrunched "The fuck are you talking ab-"

He was cut short with a flying fist to the cheek. Arlo shrieked in fear as Alberts neck whiplashed back. Albert looked at
Him shock, wiping blood dripping out of his nose before he growled "You fucker!". In an instant the two were brawling, punches and kicked were flying left and right as the two smaller guys begged their boyfriends to stop.

Christ they're both huge! How am I gonna stop two football players from beating the living shit out of each other. I had no choice but to put myself in between the rage filled teens.

"Guys stop!" I yelled.

I pulled both of their shirts the opposite direction, but considering both of them are over six feet their reach was far longer than mine. I tried pushing them away from each other, but small frame being tossed around like a rag doll as two clashed like titans. I began asking for help among the crown but no one could hear me as they cheered on.

I was so focused on looking for someone to help that I was knocked to the ground when a fist came slamming into my jaw. I cried out in pain, my body felt like it was falling in slow motion as I landed on the cold tile floor with an echoing thud.

The entire crowd fell silent, both JJ and Albert froze looking down at me. JJ's face paled "I-It was an accident I swear!" He explained anxiously.

You could hear a pin drop as I slowly sat up in my seat, clutching my cheek when a large shadow slowly loomed over me. Albert looked absolutely petrified but it was JJ who looked like he was about to shit himself.

Students circling us slowly backed up as JJ shrunk into himself. I turned around slowly and I couldn't tell if I was turned on or ready to pass out at the sight.

Ace looked godlike as the light from the door behind him outline his figure, casting a shadow over me. Usually he'd be wearing a leather jacket, but right now he was wearing the thinnest black tank top imaginable. It was almost comical how thin the straps were, allowing everyone to see his bulging, tattooed biceps, and glorious pecs.

The word "Alpha" was printed in white over his shirt, and they're not wrong. His grey sweatpants made me turn into jelly, I was eye level and a couple feet away from his dick.

Ok bad time to ogle.

Sexualizing my student aside he looked beyond pissed, a vein was even popping out of his forehead as he gripped his fist tightly, clenching and unclenching every couple seconds.

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