(5). Three Years Wasted

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Ms. Degarmo ^^^ (Carmen Dell'Orefice)

 Degarmo ^^^ (Carmen Dell'Orefice)

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Mr. Tyce on the Left (Nick Bateman) Mr. Halsburg on the Right (Broderick Hunter)

Scott POV 🎓

The moment Ace closed the door an involuntarily whimper left my lips as I tried to process what I had just heard. "Oh my god, t-that was the most erotic thing I've ever experienced" I whispered quietly. I quickly gathered my papers along with my laptop before cramming everything back into my satchel, I need to head home and sit in an ice cold bath.

"So how was you first day?!"

I yelped in surprise to see Mr. Tyce and the mystery teacher in front of me. "You guys scared the living shit out of me!" I said, gasping for air. "Sorry" They said in unison, I waved it off "It's fine, just knock when you enter next time" I continued to catch my breath before I quickly remembered to ask for his name "I almost forgot! I still didn't get your name?" I said. His eyes widened "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry! It completely slipped by me. It's Evan Halsburg" he said charmingly.

Mr. Tyce tilted his head at Evan "Babe you guys met and didn't tell me?!" he said, a surprised expression forming on his face. Evan nodded "I didn't know you guys knew each other?! Baby have you been hiding stuff from me?" He teased. "I'll show all the stuff I've been hiding if you show me yours" Mr. Tyce responded seductively. They began to touch each other in pretty inappropriate areas, completely forgetting me in the process.

They were in the middle of a passionate and fiery make out session when an older lady interrupted. "Sorry I'm late! I just wanted to meet our new Teach-homosexuals !" She gasped. They pulled away from each other "Sorry Aida" Mr. Tyce said, blush evident on his cheeks. She rolled her eyes "Ugh, to be young and in love. Next time try to keep in your pants Tony, you too Evan" She focused her attention to me "Anyway, care to tell me your name?" She chirped.

I gave her a sheepish grin "It's Scott Toby" I answered. The wrinkles on her skin pulled upwards to form a smile "Such a cute name! I'm Aida Degarmo, I'm one of the biology teachers from down the hall. Listen, I know your in a hurry so let me just grab my gift for you out of my bag" she opens her black Louis Vuitton bag, "I love your bag" I said timidly.

"Thank you! I got it last week. Can you believe this was on sale?! Only $2,500! A steal I tell you!" my jaw dropped as soon as she said the price "How does a high school biology teacher afford that?!" I gaped. "She's a pretty successful model, teaching is her side job because she likes it" Tony chimed in.

Evan nodded "Sorry to cut things short Scott, I have an.. appointment with Tony" he said suggestively. He grabbed Tony's blue tie and dragged him out of my classroom. Aida chuckled "Those two. Always having sex like they're the high school students" she tsked at there behaviors before her eyes lit up "I found it!" She pulls out a neatly wrapped box with a ribbon on top "It's a little gift from you to me. It costs a pretty penny since had it bejeweled!" She places the box at my desk.

After a few minutes of small talk, she shakes my hand, her strong grip catching me off guard "It's a pleasure to meet you Scott, have a wonderful day and if you need advice. Ask me, I have years of wisdom" she gave me a wink before leaving the classroom.

I chuckled, Aida truly is a character. Even at her age now, she's absolutely gorgeous and clearly maintains a high standard for herself judging from how she presents herself. I laughed quietly and grabbed her present.


The drive home was relatively short, I got me and Kelvin his favorite, Panda Express cause I know how hungry he gets when I don't cook. I had placed Aida's gift in the passenger seat, it was pretty small but quite heavy for the size that it was but I wasn't planning on opening it till tomorrow so I just left it in the car.

As I walked down the hall of the first floor, I noticed things in front of our door.

My stuff?

Why are my things outside?! I fumbled with my keys till I finally opened our apartment. "Babe! I'm home! Why is my stuff outside!" I yelled. I placed my stuff on the kitchen counter till I heard the sound of the bedroom door creaked open. A smile pulled my lips as I turned behind me to greet Kelvin. "Hey.." He said sheepishly. My brows scrunched up in confusion his sweat pants hung abnormally low down his waist, not to mention his messy hairy and sweaty skin.

"Did you work o-"

"I'm kicking you out" he blurted.

I was physically taken aback "Wh-What? What are you talking about? We've lived together for three years?" He nodded "I know, but that's why your stuff-"

"Baby! Come back to bed-" My eyes snapped to the small, younger guy that peaked his body out our bedroom door. He was wearing one of Kelvins shirts as he looked at me curiously. Kelvin rubbed the back of his neck "Hey, listen-" he said, he moved closer to me in an attempt hold me but I pushed him away. The asshole had the nerve to try and hug me when he had four fucking hickeys on his neck.

"Don't fucking touch me" I growled. I can't believe I was so stupid! All of the fucking warning signs were staring me right in the damn face but I didn't wanna believe it! I didn't even know I was crying till Kelvin called me out "Baby don't cry!" Kelvin cooed.

I punched him squared in the jaw "Don't fucking call me Baby you cheating son of a bitch!" I spat. He collapsed on ground as the guy rushed to his side, crouching beside him.

"Are you okay?! What the fuck is your problem?!" The guy spat. I narrowed my eyes at him "My problem?! You fucked my boyfriend!" I hissed, my voice cracking in the process. I quickly wiped the tears from my eyes as he smirked at me. "Last time I checked, it was my name he was moaning out when he came inside me. Not yours" he growled in response.

The whore helped Kelvin up as he continued to talk. "I'm so sorry that you couldn't please your boyfriend the way I could. Kelvin here clearly made his decision when he fucked me the first time three months ago. A sexy man like him was all by himself at the bar, I couldn't miss the opportunity to ride that" he said proudly. He walked up to me and slapped me right across my face. I pulled back and looked at him in shock "Now how about you leave. Didn't you see your stuff outside, or is the hickey on his neck too distracting?!" He chuckled and gave me a proud smirk as he walked back to Kelvin and leaned into his chest, caressing his bicep.

I desperately looked to Kelvin but all he gave me was a guilty expression "I'm sorry" he whispered quietly.

By this point my vision had been blurred by tears "Fuck both of you" I rasped venomously. I chucked the Panda at there faces before storming out of the apartment.

I mindlessly threw all of my stuff in the trunk , thank god I didn't have that many . I called my dad and sobbed quietly in the car as I waited for him to answer. "Scott?" He answered, "D-Dad, can-can I stay w-with you?" I stuttered in between sobs. "S-sure?! Why are you crying, did something happen to you? Do you want me to call 911?!" He asked frantically. "No. Kelvin ch-cheated on me" I croaked.

It was silent for a couple of seconds before he spoke "Text me when you get you here. I love you Scott stay safe" he said in a low tone. "O-Ok love you too dad" I ended the call and began the drive to my dads.



Comment if you want to castrate Kelvin and strangle his bitch

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Bai ❤️

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