(17). Alberts Small Rumor

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The Big Three serving us body ^^^

Ace POV 🎒

And I thought this job couldn't get any worse.

"What are you doing here" I hissed. Pinky the racist stood timidly in front of me as she shook fearfully "Ace! I didn't know you worked here!" She murmered anxiously. I gave her an ice cold stare "Thats because I didn't wanna tell you" I deadpanned. She nodded slowly "Look are you gonna order or what? We have costumers waiting" I snapped.

She turned behind her and looked back at me with utter confusion "But no one else is here?" She murmured. "I just don't want you here" I hissed. A frown formed in her face before she saw Jo "Oh my gosh! Jo!" She chirped. Jo took a quick glance before shaking her head and hiding in the back.

"Huh, she must of not heard me" she said. She looked to me "I don't know why too, I have my voice insured for my singing career" she chirped. I smiled "Really? Wow! How much money did you get?!" I responded over enthusiastically.

Her face fell "Look, Ace if it's about what I said earlier-"

"Oh it's all about what you said earlier" I said venomously. She pursed her lips as she clutched her pink bag "I just wanted to say sorry, my parents are pretty conservative and they say that stuff all the time. I just thought it was okay to say, but I'm really not racist I swear" she explained. I gave her a glare "Sounds like you're blaming everyone but yourself. Last time I checked it came out of your mouth, so take accountability before trying to apologize. Also, stop saying you're not racist, we get it. You as a person are not racist, but what you said is still racist" I retorted.

She gave me a small frown before slouching in defeat "I'll-I'll just go to a different fast food place" she mumbled dejectedly. She slowly dragged her feet out the restaurant leaving me leaves "I just mopped the floors!" I hissed. I wasn't try to be mean, but judging by how she reacted she's still not ready to accept the truth.

I grumbled a string of curses as a couple came walking past her at the entrance. They were very PDA with all the kisses, giggles, and hugging which was very off putting for me. I swear when Scott and I start dating I'm only holding his hand, none of that lovey dovey shit because only I get to see him like that.

They stood in front of me before the girl whispered something in the guys ear. He nodded soon after and looked up at me "Hi! We'll hav the um, ill have the number 5 , and number 11 with an extra large coke" the guy said casually. His girlfriend who had her arms wrapped up around him whispered another thing in his ear before he smiled "And the number 16.. please" he added. I nodded "Anything else?" I replied boredly. They both shook their head, I sighed "Alright coming right up" I hate working in fast food.

"Baby you better not steal my food like last time" he teased quietly. Ugh couples are so annoying it just reminds me of why I've stayed single so long.

I handed the order to Albert who began preparing it immediately while Jo went ahead and began getting the drinks. Our manager who hasn't done jack shit in the past month still hangs out in the office and texts guys on grinder that he plans on fucking. He's tried hitting on me and Albert a couple times but I shut him down and bribed Albert not to sleep with him. I absolutely hate him to my core, a completely selfish, narcissistic, money hungry, bitch.

I was casually stealing chicken nuggets from the fryer as Jo placed everything in a bag and handed it over to the couple "Alright here's your order, have a wonderful day!" She chirped. As soon as they left our manager came trudging out and smirked "I fucking hated those two in high school. Nice to see that they're ugly fat freaks, time wasn't kind to them" he said bitterly. I rolled my eyes before munching onto a nugget as I tried walking away from it.

Unfortunately I was too slow as he walked up behind me and slowly stroked my arm "Sooo, Ace.. I'm free tonight. I've been craving a little younger these days so maybe you could help satisfy me" he purred.

I pulled away and chucked a nugget at his forehead "I said don't touch me Viktor, go text your grinder dates you sick fuck" I hissed. He whined the grease from his forehead and pouted playfully before moving to Albert "Heyy Albert!" He said in a shrill flamboyant tone. I had stopped bribing Albert a couple weeks ago when he realized Viktor was a Taurus (he's not I just told him that because he hates Taurus').

Albert made a sound of disgust "Bleh get away from me old man" he snapped. Viktor glared at him "I'm only 25!" He hissed. He stomped back into his little troll cave office and left us alone. "I hate him" I hissed. Albert scoffed as he mopped the floor "You're not the only one" he chimed. Jo giggled "He's pretty chill to me" she chirped.

I scoffed "Thats because you don't a have penis" I grumbled.

God he's such a pervert, he's always harassing the male coworkers even after they repeatedly tell him off, I swear that guy has done some shady shit.

Albert nodded in agreement before gesturing for us to come closer "I can't say this out loud, but I heard a rumor that in high school he slept with his boyfriends brother" he whispered. Jo's jaw fell agape "No!" She responded. Albert nodded "I swear on my life. Apparently it wasn't even consensual! He blackmailed the brother into sleeping with him by threatening to out him in front of the whole school" he continued.

My brows scrunched "Do you know the name of his ex?" I asked. Albert shook his head "Nope, I've been hearing it from my other co-workers last week but no one had a name on them yet" he explained. Alarm bells were ringing in my head at how close his story matches with Scott and Jackson's, the only difference being the blackmail. And if it is the same story, I'll have a little talk with Viktor at some point.

"Uh, Ace? You ok?" Jo waved her hand in my face brinkg me out of my thoughts. "Yeah, just thinking what Albert said" I mumbled.

The rest of the day went by without much of a hassle, but Viktor would come out every hour to try and get in our pants which only fueled my already burning hatred for him, not to mention my suspicion about his blackmail story. I'll try and ask Scott more information on Monday to try and confirm with him.

It was already nearing 8:30 P.M. as we prepared to close when Jo walked up to me "Hey Ace? Can we talk about it what happened at school?" Jo stood in front of me hesitantly. We were waiting for Albert to leave the bathroom, he was the one who drove us around since he was the only one with a car. "Sure" I mumbled uninterestedly, I scrolled aimlessly on my phone as she spoke.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I was wrong about defending Amanda from her comments. The shit she said was pretty insensitive, racist, and ignorant. I still can't believe I tried to justify it for her. You have no idea how stupid I felt when I realized how dumb I sounded looking back" she explained. I put my phone down and looked at her blankly "You sound like you're doing an apology video, Jo. I'm just happy you've realized how dumb you sounded" I joked.

She smiled before glancing at Albert who was still trying to zip his pants up "Guys I'm back, let's get going and close up the fast food place" Albert explained while struggling to pull his fly up.


Short chapter today!

Sorry for being underwhelming this time around I hope you still enjoyed it!

Tell me your thoughts on this rumor about their manager.

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Bai ❤️

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