(41). The Graduation Party

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6 Months Later

Epilogue after this one 😌

Scott POV 🎓

"I fucking did it baby!" Ace roared. He picked me up by my waist and spun me around in excitement. He was still in his gown from the graduation ceremony when we drove back to my fathers place for the party.

Jackson and Amy made all the food from Pancit, Creme Caramel, Bibingka, Shanghai Lumpia, Sinigang, Kare Kare, and so much more. My dad was having a field day with all the food as he kissed Amy multiple times and almost hugged Jackson to death.

We had everyone come over for the party which made the house extra livelier than usual.

After putting me down Ace pecked me on the forehead "let me get changed and I'll be right back" he explained. He quickly headed upstairs which left me to on my own. Just to clarify Ace still lives at his parents house but because he hangs out with me pretty much everyday. At this point he's basically moved in so a good portion of his clothing is now in my room.

While waiting for Ace I looked around I looked around and saw Aida and Albert discussing techniques...

"Oh I love the rope! Wonderful to use in bed, have you tried the machines yet? She wondered. Albert nodded enthusiastically "Of course! Arlo loves them, best part is I don't have to do the work and sit back and watch" he explained.

I quickly walked away from that situation and headed to the kitchen to check on Jackson and Amy. Jackson handed Amy a spoonful of soup "Is this good? I think I added to much fish sauce" he explained. Amy took a sip and shook her head "Nope! Tastes amazing Jackson. You pick up recipes fast!" She said proudly.

These six months have been amazing for Jackson and his culinary skills. He's expanded from baking and now does the everything, frying, sautéing, grilling, you name it he can do it. I just hope he actually opens up a restaurant like he said he would.

My phone buzzed quietly, hmm? I received a two texts from Ace. He was upstairs so I don't see why he'd-

It's his penis.. and his body posing in the mirror. He was holding its by the base and had a smug little smirk on his lips.

I was appalled, aroused but appalled.

Ace- Horny as fuck, come upstairs

Scott-What the hell is this?!

Ace- Its my penis

Scott- I know that! But why now!

Ace- Because I'm hard?

Scott- Ace! No, not during the party!

Ace- Can you suck it plz

Scott- Later! Just get down!

Ace- ..Ugh fine

Scott- Thx, love you! ❤️

Ace- Love you too babe

I swear every time Ace calls me babe I get butterflies in my stomach. I still can't get over how much. Our relationship has blossomed, these last couple months have been so great.

Kelvin finally left me alone because Ace threatened to burn down the entire apartment complex. Somehow the neighbors managed to blame it on Kelvin which pretty much forced him to cut off contact with me.

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