(12). Jacksons Coming Out P.2

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For all the students who are virtually learning ^^^

Scott POV 🎓

Droplets of sweat fell down my face as I saw Jackson heading downstairs in proper casual attire. He's so much more muscular than I remember, it's actually terrifying. Not that he wasn't muscular when he lived here, it's just intimidating to think what would happen if he tried to hurt me. I'd have no way of protecting myself against my beast of a brother.

He wore a simple white t shirt and grey sweatpants with some worn sneakers. Benny who wasn't too far behind him wore one of Jackson's old high school football jerseys, funny enough it still looked like a dress on him and he was around 6'1 if I had to guess. Once they were downstairs I quickly snuck to the kitchen and acted like I wasn't completely just stalking them a couple seconds before.

Jackson smiled softly at my dad before waving at me "Hi Scott" he said politely. I narrowed my eyes at him "What game are you playing at Jackson" I hissed quietly. He gave me a confused look "I-I was just saying hi. What game?-"

"Don't act all on innocent! You made my life a living hell when we were younger, and now that your back from deployment you expect me to believe that you've changed?! Bullshit" I hissed quietly. Jackson's face fell before he tugged in his collar anxiously "Look. Can we talk about this during dinner. I have something to tell you and Dad" he said nervously.

I chuckled before crossing my arms "Typical. You never like confrontation didn't you?" I retorted bitterly. Visible hurt could be seen etched on Jackson's face at my remark. That's right, feel only and ounce of the pain you've given me when we were young.

"Sorry for the long wait you guys!" Our Dad suddenly comes barging in with a pot full of mystery soup that had a green hue to it with chunks of mystery bits floating up top. Jackson immediately scrunched his face in disgust when the steam hit his nostrils. "I-it smells great dad" he choked. Dad pouted "Oh it can't be that bad. Here Scott smell" he chirped. I rolled my eyes "Overreacting mu-"

Oh my god that smells terrible, like actually death. If the plague had a scent, it would be this. I gave my dad a reassuring smile as I tried to stop myself from gagging "It's great!" I said over enthusiastically. Dad huffed "I tried ok!" He grumbled to himself before placing the pot down on the table and putting on his glasses as he fiddled with his phone "I think I misread the text your mom gave for the recipe" he mumbled.

Benny suddenly comes trudging downstairs "I'm back! Mmm something smells good!" He chirped. He took a good whiff of the soup and hummed hungrily. "Smells amazing Mr. Toby, I can't wait to dig in!" He said happily. Me and Jackson had visible confusion on our face as Benny happily sat on the table and poured himself a bowl of dads mystery liquid before horking it down. Dad smiled "At least your friend likes it" he said triumphantly.

Jackson just shrugged "He always did eat everything in the MRE" he teased. Benny just rolled his eyes "Shut up you ate everything as well" he hissed before continuing to scarf down the food like someone who hasn't eaten in months. He scoffed "That's because I was hungry. You ate it because it tasted good" he retorted. Benny just flipped Jackson off which brought a laugh from me and Dad. Eventually we ended up pouring both of us a bowl of soup even if we were reluctant to eat it.

Funny enough Benny was right on the flavor, it was nowhere near as bad as the smell made it out to be. "So! How was deployment?" My dad asked curiously. Jackson smiled "It was.. something" he explained hesitantly. Beads of sweat could be seen forming on his forehead before dad decided continue the conversation. "So. I didn't get those papers in mail explaining why you were honorably discharged. I was just wondering if you could tell us now that you're here " he asked.

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