(21). Long Road Ahead

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Warning! Sensitive Topic Ahead
Sensitive topic discussing sexual assault


Scott POV 🎓

"What the hell is he doing here?!" Jack snapped. I glared at him "He's my student! I-I was giving him.. err.. tutoring lessons!" I hissed. Jackson raised a brow of amusement before gesturing to my neck "Was that part of the lesson? I'm not an idiot Scott. This isn't some fantasy Wattpad story" He retorted.

Ace just chuckled at his statement while my cheeks heated up, I bet I looked like a giant tomato right now. "Calm down will you. We didn't do anything past kissing, and maybe a little grinding too" Ace teased.

Jackson gagged dramatically, placing the pasta he brought from downstairs on my desk as he tried to stop "Dont put that image in my head" he uttered out. "Oh but me having to listen you and Benny last night and this morning is fair than?" I responded. Jackson tilted his head "This morning? We didn't do anything this morning" he said confusingly.

I scoffed "Don't act all modest now! Benny was literally topping you earlier and you have the nerve to lie to me?" I hissed. Jacksons face softened "We weren't having sex.. we were doing something else.." he answered uncomfortably.

"And he keeps secrets? Wow what an excellent brother you have here Scott" Ace mocked. Jack narrowed his gaze at Ace "Shut up will you? Stop turning this around on me and explain yourselves?" He snapped. "Really" I deadpanned. "I'm not gonna explain myself if your not going to either" I declared, crossing my arms and huffing.

Jackson sighed "It's-Its really personal ok! I'm not comfortable talking about yet.." he explained anxiously. He gave me glum look as he spoke "Look I just care ok? I don't want you hurting yourself like last-"

"Well you hurt me far more than anyone ever will! So just mind your fucking business and go back to your room! I don't have to explain myself if you're gonna keep hiding secrets yourself! My life was perfectly fine till you had to come back and bring all the memories back!" I screeched. Jackson and Ace were both taken aback by my sudden outburst. A pained look on my brothers face as I continued to spew horrible things at him.

Ace gently pulled me close to him "Hey, calm down ok? I think he's had eno-"

"No! I'm tired of being hurt! I'm tired of being lied too! This is the least he deserves after the hell he's put me through!" I sobbed. Ace pulled my close to him, pressing my head on his chest as he rocked back and forth slowly.

I was in so much emotional pain. I had no time process anything, with my breakup being so sudden and Jackson return being less than a week ago I never had time to process it all. Now it's all hitting me like a ton of bricks and I don't know how to react at all.

Ace whispered soothing words in my ear to calm me down. I slowly heard the door creaking shut before the bed dipped besides us.

I lifted my head off of Aces chest and looked beside us to see an exhausted looking Jackson as he slouched forward, placing both elbows in either side of his legs to support his head.

"I think I should leave" Ace whispered in my ear.

I looked back at Ace and shook my head before stuffing my face in his chest once more, holding him tightly "Please don't leave. I'm gonna kill Jackson if you do" I mumbled against his shirt. Ace pulled me away slowly, a small smile on tugging his lips "We both know he'd snap your neck like nothing. But.. at least let me be at the bathroom. You two deserve alone time. Cause clearly you two need to talk more things out" he joked.

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