(8). The Two Marines

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Ace POV 🎒

After being dropped off  by Teach, instead of being able to comfortably lounge in my bed, Albert decided to spam the group chat with "Let's go the mall!" till we complied. I tried turning off notifications to block his stupid messages from coming through, but Jo ended up paying me fifty dollars to come with them.

Right now she's has been trying to explain to Albert why he should buy a bouquet of roses for Arlo when they go on a date. That is if he even says yes, which he will he seems like the type.

"What is it"  Albert asked. Jo groaned in annoyance as she rubbed her temples in frustration "Remember Jo, he's not stupid he just thinks differently" she mumbled to herself. She than took a deep breath to regain her composure "That right there is a bouquet of roses, Albert" she chirped with false enthusiasm.

Albert glared at her "I know what a bouquet is Jo, I just don't get why you need it" he asked. My eyes blinked rapidly at his stupidity "You buy it to gift to someone. Maybe for like a date or spouse" She drawled out slowly. Albert was still confused "Is it suppose to make him like me?" He asked dumbfounded at the idea of flowers used as a gift.

Jo raised her hands in defeat "That's it i'm done" she shoves the roses onto Alberts chest and sighed "Just give this to Arlo when you guys meet each other and smile" she explained. Albert nodded "Alright, whatever you say" he answered skeptically.

I grunted "Can we go home now? I hate this" I huffed annoyedly. Albert shook his head "No can do Mr. GrumpyPants we still have to go to the food court!" Albert squealed in excitement. He rushed to the concession stand leaving me and Jo behind. "Finally" I grumbled, I began to walk opposite the direction Albert went, with Jo by my side.

"How will Arlo survive" Jo wondered. I snorted "He won't" I answered dryly. Jo shrugged "Fair point" she clearly had something to say but was to unsure whether to ask or not. "Just ask me the question already" I hissed. She sighed, still hesitant for a couple of seconds till my glare finally made her cave "Some gurl came up to me the other day, asking me if I was actually dating you. Do you think she-"

"Wants to get in your pants? Definitely" I stated flatly. Her jaw gaped "Wait? What-"

"Pink Girl? The really annoying preppy one? Yeah she approached me when you and Albert left. Said the same thing except she admitted she had a crush on you and shit" I explained. She looked at me expecting more "And?.." she drawled out.

I gave her a bored look "What do you mean "And.." I left?!" I huffed. She groaned "Ace how am I suppose to know her if I don't know what she said!" She cried in frustration. I chortled "Try talking to her in person?" I responded sarcastically.  She gave me a pissed off glare "Not funny Ace-"

"Oh my god!" The sound of a shrill, overly preppy voice pierced my ears. I turned behind me to see the pink demon herself trying to catch up with us, her bright pink heels clicking against the tile of the mall floor. I looked at Jo worriedly"Goodluck, I'm not dealing with that annoying witch" I said frantically. Jo's jaw dropped as I quickened my pace leaving her in the dust. Turning behind me I see her flipping me off discreetly as Pinky starts to talk to her.

Than I got a text.

Jo- You are the worst boyfriend ever

Ace- I'm gay, you're a lesbian it wasn't gonna work out anyway

Jo- Fuck you

Ace- I said I'm GAY

Jo- That's not what I meant..

I rolled my eyes at Jo's response, couldn't she have come up with something better. Eh whatever, now that I'm all alone In the mall I guess I'll get myself a new pair of shoes. Leisurely strolling inside a converse store, I was met with a grumpy middle aged woman greeting costumers. She gave me a lazy wave along with a half assed smile as I walked by her.

As I casually skimmed through the shoes I overheard an interesting conversation to my left. I peaked my eyes in the direction of the noise and saw two men in marine uniform casually browsing for shoes in the same isle as me "You think my Dad will like this when I surprise him today?" the taller one said.

The other one nodded "I like it. But don't you think he might already have a pair?" He questioned. The other one huffed "Damn you might be right. Well if that's the case we can always give this one to my brother since he doesn't have a pair last time I remember" he responded.

The other pouted "Jackson the last time you saw your brother was when he graduated high school.. three years ago. A lot can happened" the smaller one mentioned. Jackson's face contorted into something that looked like guilt "Yeah.. three years has gone by hasn't it" he mumbled.

I scoffed "Angry closet case I see, I wonder who his poor brother was" I murmured. Jackson continues "You think Scott will forgive me, Benny?" He murmured quietly. Benny nodded "In due time. He'll probably lash out at you and be extremely angry. It's like a punch in the gut you know? It's like the rookie from that one Wattpad book you loved reading" he explained.

Jackson's grunted "You forced me to read that to get me horny you asshole. They had more sex than actually fighting fires!" he grumbled angrily. Benny just smirked before moving in front of Jackson pushing himself against the larger mans groin.

Jackson hissed "Stop it! We're in public!" He growled quietly. Benny rolled his eyes "So what it's not like anyone's gonna notice us" he teased. Jackson thumped the back of his head "Baby, we're two men in Marine uniforms shopping for converse shoes, people will notice. Now come on, let's just go a different store if you're gonna act like this" he said.

The last thing I heard was a huff from Benny as they walked out of the store, leaving me somewhat confused by what I just heard.  "I hope this Scott person gives him a hard time" I mumbled to myself. My phone vibrated again leaving me annoyed. "Can't I just shop in peace" I grumbled to myself.

Albert-  You guys I just met a SUPER hot, hunky, daddy at the line in Panda Express. And he gave me his number which means I'm about to get dicked tonight!



Albert- Screw you Ace

Ace- Aren't you

Albert- I hate you, meanie. My feelings are hurt

Ace- Poor Shelby



I laughed my ass off at the message as I sent Albert the photo. Ohh he's gonna hate me so much tomorrow. "Hey! Are you gonna just stand there and laugh like a maniac or are you gonna actually gonna buy something!" The grumpy woman yelled. I flipped her off "Calm down Karen you it's not that big of a deal" I retorted. Her jaw gaped "Get out! Now! Don't make me call security!" She screeched.

So much for shopping.


An update! I hope this story isn't getting boring for you all.

I hope you enjoyed this quick update, please let me know your thoughts on this chapter and.. Jackson.

Comment, Vote, and Share please!

Bai ❤️❤️

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