28). He's Totally Whipped

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Aidas present to Scott lmao

Ace POV 🎒

"So when were you gonna tell us that you and Mr. Toby had a thing" Albert grumbled. He had a giant red shaped handprint on his cheek that I made.

"Oh fuck off. I don't know what you're talking about" I hissed. Jo raised a accusing brow "You don't intervene in fights, and you certainly don't pick up people bridal style if you two didn't have a thing" she retorted. Albert nodded in agreement "Yeah when were you gonna tell us you were ruining our history teachers hole" he teased.

I raised my hand "I'll strangle you right now Albert" I hissed. Albert stuck his tongue out "So you two were fucking!" Jo exclaimed.

I sighed "It's not like-"

"Does he like calling you daddy? He looks like the type" Albert chirped excitedly. I huffed "No, we haven't-"

"So do you guys used protection? The last time you fucked someone didn't the poor guy start crying because it was too big? Hehe he didn't even call you back" Jo explained.

"Wait can you guys just let me-"

"Oh my god is he into BDSM!! You'd be such a great dom Ace" Albert squealed.

I growled "Can both of you just shut the fuck up and let me explain!" I roared. They both closed there mouths and looked at me wide eyed. I sighed "Yes, me and Teach have a thing. But it's nowhere near what you think it is. We've only been talking this past month and we haven't done anything sexual. Well except for one thing-"

"Oh my god what was is it!" Albert squealed. I raised my hand "You want a matching hand print?" I threatened. He pouted "I was just curious" he murmured.

"Just shut up when we're in school about it, everyone's already suspicious and I don't want you to be the one to confirm it" I explained.

Albert nodded "Oh have I told you guys yet?!" He said excitedly. Me and Joe looked at each other knowingly "Told is what" we said in unison.

Albert squealed "Me and Arlo made an Onlyfans!" He chirped.

"Isn't that like for amateur porn?" Jo explained. Albert looked offended "Amateur! I'll have you know I've been honing in inner Dom since freshman year!" He huffed.

I scoffed "I still hold more dominance than you even without practice" I joked. Albert rolled his eyes "Sorry not some of us are a 6'4 wall of muscle that exude alpha energy" he retorted.

Jo nodded "I still can't believe you managed to seduce Mr. Toby like that. He just seemed so professional" Jo mumbled. I smirked "What can I say, I have a certain charm to my personality" I boasted.

"It's called being hot" Albert retorted.

I gritted my teeth "Why you little-"

"Baby!" Arlo squealed.

He jumped in Alberts arms and snuggled up in the crook of his neck. "I was looking for you" he murmured.

I groaned.

Couples are just, ugh. Me and Scott will never do that gross public display of affection. I rolled my eyes and decided to turn to Jo.

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