(38). Just Gym Tings

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Ace POV 🎒

I looked at Scott curiously, is he seriously gonna wear the thickest sweatshirt he owns "You're gonna wear that? Isn't that too thick? You'll be all sweaty and uncomfortable when we're done especially if it's your first time coming back in months" I asked. Scott nodded "Yeah I'm fine, the last time I went to the gym I wore this and never really sweat" he explained. "When was the last time you went to a gym?" I asked curiously. He slouched, avoiding my eyes "Months ago" he confessed. "And what'd you do in the gym" I asked..

He slouched even further "I just did push ups and the treadmill; all the other stuff intimidated me because guys that looked like you were using them" he explained. I sighed "Baby, they won't hurt you I swear those muscles don't do anything but flex. You know you're gonna have to do some more if you're gonna see some changes. Change up your diet to be more healthy, but only if your committed" I explained softly. Scott was a fragile guy and he's really insecure about his body so I wanted to take it easy on him.

Scott looked up at me pouted "Will you come with me?" He cooed. I rolled my eyes "I know a man in his twenties isn't trying to puppy dog a teen to come with him" I deadpanned. Scott gasped dramatically, clutching his chest "How dare you! I'm not even that old!" He hissed.

"Of course you aren't I'm just saying babe" I chuckled out. "Besides I'll be there every step of the way" I cooed. Scott pouted "Let's just get going already" he grumbled. Entering the car Scott rummaged through his pockets before finding his keys. "So before we even start, I think we should do some cardio first so we can wake the body up. I've had a late start so I'll definitely be doing that for at least 30 minutes, after we're gonna have to stretch which sounds obvious I know, just so we don't hurt ourselves while we do weights. That should've be another 30 minutes" I explained.

"Wait you were suppose to do those two things for an hour?" He asked curiously. "Well not really I just do 30 for each cause it works the best for me" I explained.

As Scott began to move the car out of the driveway he suddenly stopped "But-but can you promise not to be all protective" he sighed. I paused "What? I'm not protective!" I snapped.

He rolled his eyes "The other day we went to get a burger and you ended up growling at a random guy for glancing at my butt" he deadpanned. I scoffed "What was I suppose to do! The man was oogling you like you were meat" I grumbled.

"Babe the guy had his wife and three kids with him" he added. I shrugged "Who knows he could've been a dl type" I retorted. "I don't even know what'd make you think I'd be protective at the gym" I mumbled grumpily. I crossed my arms and glared out the window as Scott continued "It's a gym.. you out of all people know how exposed you feel when you work out" he explained.

"Speak for yourself. Besides if someone even looks at you the wrong way I'll put them in their place" I reassured. Scott pursed his lips "Well that's the best I'm gonna get.. that or you just threaten them with murder" he joked. "It's not like I bring a gun with me everywhere I go" I snapped.

"Oh but a pocket knife is so much better" he drawled sarcastically. "Hey! I've never used it!" I retorted. Scott snorted "because you're intimidating as hell" he grumbled.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night" I joked.

Driving was nice, we talked about food the whole time which is probably why I was so into the conversation. Truth be told I wasn't even paying attention and was just focusing on how adorable Scott looked in his little gym outfit. He was wearing some old pair of PE shorts from his high school and a giant oversized sweatshirt. I mean it was mine a month ago buts it's basically his now since he keeps taking it from me.

As soon as we parked at the gym I turned to Scott "You're gonna have to wear a mask or something" I explained. His eyes widened "What?! Why!" He whined "Because! Half the fucking football team goes to this gym I got you this stupid surgical mask just put it on for today" I explained.

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