Chapter 2: you joined a gang??

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"Don't go near him. Understand?!" My brother urged while holding a tight grip on my shoulders

I kept my eyes glued to the scene behind my eldest brother Colton. My youngest brother Jared was dragging a man into one of the rooms in their house.

The man was blindfolded and his hands were tied together. He was hunched over in pain and he had blood stains scattered all over his clothes. He looked tired and beaten..

My stomach churned at the horrific sight before me. So many questions flew through my brain yet I couldn't force even one sound out of my throat. I was frozen. What did I just walk into??

"Alice! Promise me!!" He yelled.

"Okay!! I just want to know why! Why is he here? Who is he? What's going on??"

"You couldn't have had worse timing." He groaned out in frustration as he released his grip on me.

"Well I'm sorry. It's not like there's anything I could do to prevent our parents' death." I said sarcastically as tears threatened to escape my eyes. "If I could have prevented it, believe me, I would have."

He looked at me for a moment before letting out a sigh, "Look.. Go wait in the office. We'll join you in a second. Jared and I.. have something we need to tell you.." He said with a dark, weary look in his eye.


January: My brother Jared, age 22, and my brother Colton, age 26, bought a house and moved in together

March: My parents died in a plane crash flying back from a wedding in Colorado

March: Alice, that's me, age 19, moved in with my brothers, Jared and Colton.

And that brings us to where we left off...

I sat stiffly on one of the chairs in the utterly undecorated office. With nothing but a desk and a few chairs to keep me company, the nerves within me only grew.

The fact that this house didn't spontaneously combust after these two moved in together was surprising enough, but the sight of the two walking in and sitting next to each other on the couch across from me was something I never thought I'd see. Must be something serious if it causes these two to get along.

Colton leaned forward as he contemplated how to break the ice. "You probably have a lot of questions..." He started cautiously, "But before you ask any, I'm going to try to explain this as simply as possible. I was hoping you wouldn't have to find out about this, but after what you witnessed earlier I think it would be easier to just let you in on it. However, before I tell you I want you to know that this information could possibly put you danger.."

"Let me guess... You're both clones of my real brothers."

"Alice, This is serious. You could be a liability if I tell you this information. And that's a dangerous situation to be in."

"Colton, don't worry I can handle it. I just have to know." At this point, I was numb. My parents were gone and the bloodiest sight I've ever had the displeasure of witnessing in real life keeps replaying in my head.

"You can't tell anyone." Jared interjected

I shot him a glare, "I'm not stupid, Jared."

Colton took a deep breath in, waiting until the very last second to tell me the big secret.
"Shortly after we moved out, Jared and I joined a group.. Um. And we get paid to do certain things, dangerous things, with the group..." Colton paused, looking down at his hands that were now tightly clasped together

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