Chpater 38: relocating

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He answered by shushing me.
"Stay down."

He pulled several pieces from under his jacket and attached them together to make a sniper rifle- I think that's what it was anyway.

He appeared to be in a different world as he careful scanned the area around us with the gun aimed and ready to shoot.

The gun went off and I flinched, following his lazer focus to a tree not far from us. As if on queue, a body fell from one of the branches and hit the ground with a soft thud.

"Oh my gosh." I whispered wide eyed.
I looked back up to Jared, his eyes trained on the body as he pulled down his mask. The need to ask multiple questions rose within me, but I needed him to confirm that it was safe before I let myself go.

Finally, he looked down at me and held his hand out to help me up. "Sorry. You weren't cooperating." He slapped my head a couple times, supposedly getting leaves out of my hair.

"Jared, what are you doing here?" I didn't say so, but it felt really good to see him. After what's been happening, I almost feel safer with Jared than I do with anyone else.

"Come on. Let's get back to the car. We need to stop at my house and get some things."

"What was with that big performance back there?" He stopped in his tracks.

"You see him?" He gestured to the guy he shot. "He was watching the whole time."

"Who is he?" We started walking again

"He's part of Cane. I worked with him a couple times. Don't remember his name."

"Why was Cane watching us?"

"Who knows.. they could've been watching you, or me, or L and his brother. I'm not part of them anymore so there's no telling why they do anything."

"Jared.. How are you here? You killed the mouse guy-"

"The what?" He cut me off

"Oh right. Uh- Jerry! You killed Jerry. Wasn't he an important person."

"Yeah. I hated that guy." He said with a shudder "He's better off dead anyway."

"But they'll come after you won't they? For revenge or something?"

He shrugged "I guess. Things like this happen more often than you'd expect."

We made it to his car and went on our way.

When we got in his house he made a beeline for the pantry. "I'm going to grab some supplies. Go grab whatever you want from your room. Clothes, whatever. Just keep it to a minimum."

"Okay." I made my way to the staircase that used to give me nightmares.

"Definitely change clothes though!" He called up to me "you look like a hobo."

I smiled as I made my way to my room. My reflection caught me off guard. I really did look like a hobo with Lucas's oversized clothes on, dirt caking the fabric as well as my face.

I pulled off his shirt and rubbed the soft, dirty cloth between my fingers. "I am gonna miss you. You were comfy."

I slipped into some of my own clothes. Who knew you could forget what it feels like to wear clothes that fit you. Before I could second guess myself, I grabbed my backpack and shoved Lucas's t-shirt in. I grabbed my knife, my phone and charger, and a bottle of water.

I turned and saw my reflection again
"I need to do something about that." I walked into the bathroom and turned on the sink to give my face a quick rinse. As I studied my reflection, my eyes wandered and I focused on the familiar stains on the tile. Crazy flashbacks of my first day in this house came back to me. Whether the memories made me happy or something far different from that, I didn't stick around to find out.

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