Chapter 35: Pain & Slapstick

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Deja vu, it's a funny thing, isn't it? Sometimes there's a place you're sure you've been before, or a conversation you just Know you've taken part in.. and the classic, waking up disoriented in a certain room, with a certain man asleep next to you that you just KNOW you've woken up next to before... Unfortunately, that last one matches my current situation.

I bolted upright, suppressing a groan at the pain in my rib. I looked down to find the wound neatly bandaged as if a professional wrapped it. I turned my head and looked down at Gavin as he slept. I don't remember much of what happened yesterday. I'm sure it will come to me as I wake up more. 

My groggy thoughts began to wonder.  Hm..Gavin doesn't wear that same innocent look in sleep as Lucas does. "I'd be lying if I said he wasn't attractive though."  Yes, those quotations are right. I slapped my hand over my mouth. Clearly my consciousness wasn't returned enough to keep my mouth shut.

I was about to walk away, content with thinking he was still asleep and didn't hear it, but that fantasy was washed away when I looked down and saw the corner of his lip tug upward into a gentle smirk. SHOOOOT!  "You're awake aren't you." He pursed his lips and shook his head no.

"Very funny.. I'm leaving now. Adios, I'm off to dig my own grave." The words had barely left my mouth when I stepped on my injured ankle and stumbled, I would've caught my balance had it not been for that same duffle bag that I tripped over my first morning here. "A-Ow!" I stuttered while mentally cursing the duffle. "That doesn't feel twisted.. Did he break it?" I said shakily as I gripped my throbbing joint.

"Hang on." Gavin said in a husky morning voice. If that ain't ASMR worthy I- He's not for you, Alice. Get over yourself.

He came over and helped me off the floor. With Gavin's shoulder digging firmly into my armpit, we made our way out into the hallway.

"Wait," I said as we passed Lucas' door. "I want to see him."

"He's asleep."

"I don't care. Please, I just want to see him. I won't wake him up, I promise." 

"What is it with you two and wanting to see each other sleeping." He muttered with a sighed as he reluctantly lead me into the room. I looked in, prepared to see the worst. You can imagine my surprise when I looked in to see a perfectly clean faced Lucas lying peacefully under his covers.

Just then, my brain clicked on and a memory of yesterday drifted into focus. I stared blankly at Lucas and brought my hand to Gavin's abdomen, feeling around for a bandage. "Ah! Geez!" He grabbed my hand and threw it away from himself. "What are you doing?" 

"One of you was shot yesterday. I remember hearing it. I just didn't know if it was you or Lucas. I was checking for a bandage." He didn't have a bandage, but I will say he has quite the build under that shirt.. Ahem, anyway.

"You could have just asked." He said with a huff, " Your hands are colder than the dead." 

"So it was Lucas who was shot?"

"Yeah. Twice."

"Oh my gosh.. Take me closer. I need to see." This time it was me who lead us to the side of his bed. I slid myself off of Gavin and slowly sat on the edge of the mattress. I ever so slightly lifted the covers and peaked under them. The bandage on his stomach looked almost identical to mine, but I couldn't see the other one. "Um, Gavin? He.. His chest isn't moving.."


"Gavin, Oh my God is he dead??" I half yelled

I reached my hand out to check his pulse but Gavin stopped me. "Don't do that."

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