Chapter 27: Minor theft?

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The peaceful morning greeted me with the warm sun glowing throughout the room. Lucas's arms were still draped around me, engulfing me in their warmth. If I sat still enough, I could hear the faint sound of birds chirping in the forest. These moments are the kind that remind me it's worth it to keep living.

Lucas, who was still asleep, once again wore a veil of innocence. His skin appearing to glow and emanate the same warmth as the sun. The subtle rise and fall of his chest nearly lulled me back to sleep, but instead I carefully unfolded his arms and sat up.

I cautiously played through all that happened last night, trying my best not to re-awaken those feelings and ruin the serenity of the morning.
I felt so much better this morning, it's hard to believe the main ochraracter f last night's episode was myself.

A dull pain throbbed in my head as well as my stomach area so when I went to the bathroom and found that the spilled painkillers were all picked up it was disappointing. To make things worse, when I opened the medicine cabinet, I found the shelves totally empty.

Before any confusion could build, the pain in my stomach worsened and it morphed from an ache to a cramp.

"A-ah! Crap... Please don't tell me.." Yep... That time of the month has come. "But... But it's too early.." I clutched my stomach. "Dang it.. You're probably stress induced aren't you." As if answering my question, the pain flared and I contracted more. "Okay, okay.. I'm sorry... But of all the times to come."

Then again, I don't know when the next "good time" would come.

"There's no way they have any stuff.."

I walked back to the living room and carefully tapped Lucas's shoulder. "L-lucas..? Lucas wake up."

His eyelashes fluttered open and his golden eyes sparkled at me in the sunshine. "Whoa.." I breathed before I could stop myself.

"Good morning." He said huskily before rubbing his eyes. My face screwed up a bit as the knot in my stomach tightened "Are you okay? You look like you're in pain."

"Yeah I am... Um.. we need to go to the store."

"Why? Tired of wearing my clothes?" He smiled

"Heh, um, no. I just need to get a few things.."

"That's suspicious."

"I know but.. I really don't think you want to know.."

He looked at how my arms wrapped around my waist. "Look, we have pain killers. If you have a stomach ache you can go get some from the bathroom."

"They're all gone. I think Gavin cleared everything out after-.. after last night."

"Right. How did you sleep? Are you feeling better now?"

"Good. Much better. Can we go now? The sooner the better."

"What's with the rush? Can't I shower and change first?"

"Nope! We gotta go. Before it gets messy."

"Alice, you aren't making sense. What's going on?"

I lost my patience. "Okay. Fine." I marched up to him and whispered rather violently into his ear what my situation was.

He blinked at me. "Okay then. Garage door is at the end of the hall. Let me grab the keys and I'll be right there."

"You have a garage?" I muttered as I walked down the hall

It was strange, being outside. Even though it hasn't been that long it felt like an eternity since I'd been in a car. Lucas' gaze never left the road as he drove, he seemed tense. "How do you feel?" He asked

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