Chapter 30: Bargaining Chip

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I ran.. I ran as fast as I could..
I don't know where I was running. I don't know how fast I was running.

It was as if I were in a dream. Watching myself and experiencing it but unable to feel anything.

I ran through the woods, not bothering to notice when a branch or Bush would scrape across my skin.

Tears started to obstruct my vision once again and, just like that afternoon with Gavin, I found myself on the ground with a scraped cheek and a bruised shoulder.

I know I'm crying but I'm not blind. What was that?

I look down near my ankle. There was what looked like a cloth sticking out from a mound in the dirt.

My curiosity got the best of me, as it usually does. I ignored the fact that Gavin, or Lucas, is probably right on my tail and examined the fabric. It feels like a t-shirt..

I scanned the lump trying to figure out what it might be when my own naivety was cleared away. Is.. Is this.. A body..?

My breathing became shallow and I reached a shaky hand out to clear away some of the dirt.

I didn't have to see the rest to figure out who this was and the revelation took my breath away. No matter how many breaths I took I couldn't seem to get it back.

Without another thought my legs were picking me up and carrying me away. This isn't real.. it's.. it's just another nightmare.

But no matter how hard I wished for it, I wouldn't open my eyes and be pulled away from this by the kind, gentle voice of Thomas.

Instead I open my eyes to find myself still running from Lucas. And yet, I wasn't. Not from him, just what he had done..

My legs were shaking with every stride. I've never run this far in one day, let alone a single afternoon.

How did I manage to get here?
I looked upon the back of my Brothers' house.

I guess I subconsciously run in a straight line..? Either that or I miraculously retraced my route from the last time I ran through these woods.

I heard movement. I'm not sure where the noise came from, but it was enough to make me start running despite my body's fatigue. I tried opening the back door but it didn't budge. This brings back memories...

I hurried around to the front of the house. In the blink of an eye there was a figure standing right in front of me.

I knew they'd follow me.

"Well. Fancy meeting you here, Princess." I tensed at the nickname and looked up in horror at the Auburn haired man in front of me.

I turned to run the other way but his reflexes were too quick and his hands were grasping my arms before I could take two steps away. "What are you doing hangin' around here?" His voice was smooth and light. If it belonged to anyone else it would be quite soothing. But it's the mouse man's voice so it makes it that much more disconcerting.

"I see we're back to our chatty selves. Well let me guess, you ran back to your Taren Brother to tell him all of the dirt about Cane. Is that it?"

"W-what? No! That's not-"

"No.. I hate those two but they aren't stupid enough to divulge too much information to you."

"I.. I only know what I need to know. Nothing more."

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