Chapter 21: Tipping Point

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This is a bit longer chapter. Hope you all enjoy!

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I woke up, once again, in a bed that isn't my own.

I swear there's something wrong with me. I keep blacking out. And yet, I suppose I've surrounded myself with the right people. I haven't woken up in a gutter.. yet.

I clasped my hand to my head as the throbbing pain intensified at my attempt to sit up. "Is this what a hangover feels like?" I groaned, much to my throat's discomfort.

I looked around the room, thankful that there was no one laying next to me in bed this time.

My stomach growled and my throat felt like flames had erupted within me. While I didn't feel like leaving the room, I knew I had to find some food. So I attempted to stand and walked with unsure legs. I stopped for a moment with my hand resting on the handle. Here goes nothing.

I opened the door and took a right down the hallway. I felt shaky and for some reason my eyes couldn't decide where to look as my speed mimicked that of a sloth's.

I found the kitchen and started searching the cabinets for a cup, filling it from the tap once I'd found one. I gulped it down in no time and filled it once again.

As I turned around I nearly did a spit take when Thomas's brother stood on the other side of the counter. Shoot! What do I do??"Hi." Way to break that ice, Alice.. A for effort.

I got no reaction from him, as per usual, only his eyes that darted from the cup back to my eyes.
His reaction caused me to start bumbling out an explanation, "I- I woke up a little bit ago. I'm sorry, I was thirsty."

"You know you were drugged, right?" He said with a straight face

"Uhm. What?"

"You had a hefty amount of tranquilizers in your system. That's why you passed out, and threw up."

"I was... But when? I dont remember ever being drugged."
When would anyone have drugged me??

"There's a bruise from a syringe on your neck. It's small but still visible if you look for it. I can't imagine Thomas doing something like that. If I'm correct, That only leaves two possibilities."
Why would my brothers drug me? I never even came close enough to me!

I subconsciously felt around on my neck for a bruise. All I felt was the scar from the knife. That feels like it happened a long time ago.

"It's on the other side."
My eyebrows knit together at his comment. How did he know?

He scoffed at my expression "you really think it was Thomas who picked you up out of your own vomit and took you inside? When I saw the color of the mess you were lying in I knew there was something off. So I checked."

"Where is Thomas? Is he okay?"

"He's fine." He sighed, "He's asleep in his room."

Oh right.. this must be their house.
"So you're his.. Brother." He nodded "Older brother?"


I thought he said his brother died..

My stomach itched and suddenly I felt the need to move. So I started on my way around to the other side of the counter, Thomas's un-dead Brother turning to face me as he took a seat on one of the barstools.

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