Chapter 42: The search and the Mutiny

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"So how does one go about searching for someone?" I asked Torin as I stood with my hands planted firmly on my hips.

"Uhm. I don't know."

My hands fell along with my expectations. "What? You said you were a scout. Isn't finding people your whole purpose?"

"Well, yes but- Usually I have more information to go off of. What the person is like. Where that person resides. Family members, friends. That type of stuff."

"Huh.. Okay. Well, this is where he resides," I lengthened my arms and gestured to the walls around us, "Um, I consider myself a friend but that probably doesn't help you. You probably know enough about his character already. He has an older Brother. Uhm, let me see, what else."

"He has a Brother?"

"Yeah.. you didn't know that?"

"Ah! You must mean his late Brother."
... what? "That's right. I vaguely remember something about his brother dying when L was young. Too bad really... He also had a sister I think. I don't remember what happened to her."

I stood there confused-- what else is new-- as Torin continued rambling in front of me.
He doesn't know about his Brother? Maybe it isn't common knowledge. Shoot, then I almost blew it.

I snapped out of my thoughts to find Torin staring at me in amazement "You're her, aren't you.."

"What?" I blinked at him

"You're his sister. You said it earlier."

"No, I- didn't."

"Yeah! I asked if you were his girlfriend, And you said he was more like a Brother. What happened to you?"

"I'm not his sister. His sister.. is deceased."

He looked at me skeptically. "Yeah not really buying it. But now I understand why you want to find him so much. And now I have no problem helping you." He gave me a bright, innocent smile.

Oh my goodness he looks just like a puppy. That thought trailed through my brain as I just stared at him through wide, glazed eyes before pulling back into reality.

"Right. Good. Where do we start?"



The building was a madhouse. Red lights flashed throughout the building and sirens blared a rhythm that told all gang members that a prisoner had escaped. This being the case only when the escapees are considered dangerous.

An escape was not what was actually happening, however; this alarm pattern was triggered simply because it was the option closest to the man who pulled the switch.

See, the plan was simple.. Get in, kill a few people, if necessary, take the throne, and rule the kingdom. In not so many words of course. Gavin and Lucas had originally planned for the mutiny to go over quietly and quickly. But now the casualties have multiplied the number they'd originally planned on. They still tried to leave as many unconscious, as opposed to dead, as they could. Who knew so many people would be against these two overthrowing the Taren hierarchy.

Lucas was currently trying to pin down one of the last of the group that challenged them while Gavin was punching the life out of another.

Gavin looked over at Lucas and saw another man charging him. He ran and sucker punched the man before he could get to Lucas and Gavin wiped a bit of blood off his knuckles, painted there from his previous victim.

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