Chapter 18: The Escape

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One more knife wound in this chapter. :)


Alice's POV

Leaving no room for debate, I was being lead up the stairs. I could feel the blood leaking from my neck, but for some reason my brain could only think of one thing.. Freedom. "Wait, shouldn't we bring something? Food? Supplies?"

"There's no time. Let's go."

"But the door is locked! I checked earlier!"

"Fine, you grab something from the pantry. I'll get this unlocked."

"What?!" Mentally, I was questioning his plan; but my body was already running to the pantry to grab all that I could.

Colton popped up from the stairs and looked around. He found me before he saw Thomas amd made a beeline straight for me. Naturally, I started to panic.

"Alice, get upstairs."
My eyes shot around the kitchen and landed on the silverware drawer that was wide open.

I grabbed for a steak knife and aimed it at Colton without a second thought.

He paused for only a second before continuing his pursuit. "Alice.. Put it down. You don't know what you're getting yourself into."

"Maybe you're right."
I said before chucking the knife at him.

It scraped his cheek.
I could tell he was caught off guard by me actually using the knife, and I used that opportunity to sprint toward the front door that was currently being unlocked by Thomas.

It swung open just as I got there, running past an unconscious Jared. Thomas placed his blood covered arm around my shoulder to let me exit first.

I ran to the end of the drive way, still unsure of what the plan was.

"This way!" He started running around the corner toward the back of the house after locking the front door from the outside.

"Where are we going?!" I yelled as my feet stomped on the uncut grass.

"Don't stop running until I tell you to!" Was all he said. And with that I ignored the fact that I've never been a good runner and started to run like my life depended on it. Because it did... Or did it..?

My brothers would never.. Kill me.. Would they?

My legs became numb and all I could feel was the way my body shook whenever my feet hit the ground.

We were pretty far into the woods now, but not far enough for comfort.

Thomas, although clearly a faster runner than I was, kept pace with me the whole time. Never once running ahead.

After a little while longer he started to slow down and I followed, assuming we had finally found safety.

"I didn't tell you to stop!"
He yelled

"Wait- What?"


"But Thomas why-.."

"I said GO! Keep running!"

The urgency in his voice did the thinking for me.

I turned and ducked my head as I struggled to get my pace back up and I continued to sprint as fast as I could with confusion still clouding my mind.

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