Chapter 34: Sniper

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He started making his way down from the room that was once concealed by the mirror. "How did yo-" I got cut off with a groan brought on by the pain in my ribs. "You were aiming for him, right?" I squeezed out through gritted teeth.

"Of course I was, dummy." He was on his way to untie me when the door flew open and three gruff looking men stepped through it. Jared cursed under his breath as he veered to face the men straight on.

I stared wide eyed at the hectic fight that commenced in front of me. "Don't just sit there, idiot!" Jared yelled through grunts and punches. "Untie yourself!"

Oh right! I lowered my gaze as my fingers felt along the ropes that bound me. I made a mental picture of what the knot looked like and got to work trying to untie myself. Within ten minutes the ropes loosened and I moved to untie my legs. The pain in my ribs flared, but I was focused on other things. When my feet were freed I looked up to see three men on the floor and Jared panting above them. Wow he really beefed up since that last time I saw him..

"Are you okay? Can you walk?" He stopped in front of me and put his hands on my shoulders.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I stood and took a step forward, forgetting about my injured ankle and falling back into the chair with a grunt of pain.

"You are not okay, idiot!"

"Yeah I know. . Usually saying it helps."

"Come on, we can't stay here." He looped my arm around his shoulder and supported my weight enough that I could walk without totally collapsing.

"So you're a sniper, huh?" I said breathlessly as we made our way to the door.


"That's really cool." 

"I know, right?"

We hobbled out the door and headed for the nearest exit at a rapidly slowing pace. "Okay," Jared started, "This isn't working." He moved in front of me and crouched over to hold me on piggy-back. "Get on."

"This brings back memories." I muttered as I climbed his back

"Try to keep pressure on that wound. I don't want you to bleed out on my back."

"You could've just stopped at "Bleed out," you know."

"I can't be too nice to you right off. My pride won't allow it." He said playfully

"You shot me." I said drowsily.

"Yeah, but I killed the other guy and am currently saving you so.. It evens out."

"I know why you didn't want me to go near Lucas... He was ordered to kill me... His brother killed our parents.. It all makes... Sense." It started to take too much effort to talk so my speech slowed and my voice faltered. My hand that pressed against my wound fell limp and I rested my head against Jared's shoulder as my world became fuzzy and dim.



"There are some people following us."

"Okay.." I muttered. Too tired to even really register what he was saying

"I'm going to have to start running."

"Okay." After I said that, the ride got a lot bouncier and the friction it created made my whole body erupt in pain. A silent tear streamed down my cheek and I pressed my eyes closed, trying my best to focus on anything but the pain.

I felt the bouncing slow and I think I was sliding off of Jared's back. "Jared I'm-" I tried to alert him.

"Alice." I perked up at the sound of my name being said by a familiar voice. "Lucas?"

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