Chapter 25: Normalcy, it's wonderful

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We made our way back to the house as the sun started to set. It was peaceful and I was feeling extremely content. I was thankful for the slow pace. One, I wasn't tripping over anything, and two, I could already feel every muscle in my body starting to ache from the day's activities. However, the pain, which I will no doubt feel tomorrow, was not what was on my mind as I watched leaves get crushed under my feet. "I can't believe you.. Kissed me."

I heard him sniff out a laugh as he walked along beside me. "You have to be prepared for anything. You'd be surprised what lengths people will go to get to you."

I nodded in acknowledgement before answering. "But kissing? Really? Why not just cut them up with a knife?" the sensation of that experience still lingered stubbornly on my lips.

"Would you rather I use that method in the future?"

"No! No.."

This time Thomas- A.K.A. Lucas-- I really need to get used to that-- spoke "There are certain situations that pain won't get you what you want. Some people, you have to get close to them in order to get it."

"Right." Gavin added, "Take our situation, for example. I needed to get your guard down so we could bind you with little resistance."

"The best way to do that is to distract you enough so you aren't even aware of any threat until it's too late." Lucas continued

At this point it was like watching a tennis match as my face looked from one boy, on my left, to the other, on my right.

"And it was a win win because Lucas got some rope tying practice in. If he had screwed up you would've felt it and the plan would be ruined."

"That knot took a lot of practice.." he reminisced with distaste

"That skill you have, untying ropes I mean, can be really useful."
I smiled with pride at his indirect compliment. "Once you get faster at it."

"Why do you never just compliment me?" I confronted

"What do you mean?"

"What do I mean?? I killed it today! I learned everything you taught me and I've retained it! No one can deny the fact that I have shown remarkable improvement in a day. I saw your faces when I held up those ropes. It surprised you and you were Both impressed."

He snorted at my rant "You think you're the only one who can untie a knot?"

"I never said that. But I'd like to see you try to do it sausage fingers!" Wow.. Why am I like this?

We arrived home a moment later. No words were spoken but the air was light and relaxed. We stepped onto the porch and Gavin opened the door for me.

"For the record." he stopped me by holding up his hand, motioning for me to do the same. I held up my hand and he gently pressed his against it. Our fingers aligned and I was a bit surprised when I saw that, though his hand as a whole was a bit bigger, his fingers were roughly the same size as mine. "Sausage fingers." He mocked.

I laughed softly before retracting my hand and walking inside. "I call dibs on the shower!" I rushed down the hall and slammed the bathroom door shut before peeling off my sweat and dirt covered clothes.


The feeling that comes after a warm shower is one of the best feelings in the world. Until you get out of the shower and realize you don't have any clothes to change into.

I was in the middle of trying to solve this problem when a soft knock came from the door. "U-uhm don't come in!" I responded anxiously

"It's Lucas-"

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