Chapter 19: New Plan

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"I should probably... Go find a first aid kit.." Jared started to walk away

"Wait. We still have to take care of his.. you know.."

"L' I'm not burying my brother I- I can't.. Please."

Thomas sighed as he thought about how much this guy has been through. How much he himself had put him through. "Okay. I'll take care of it. Go get some bandages before you bleed to death."

"You're condition isn't much better."

Thomas sighed "Go take care of yourself while I bury him. Bring some bandages out when you're done."

Jared nodded before heading back toward the house.

Thomas hissed in pain as he moved to find a good place to start digging, using the knife to start breaking up the dirt. It was a time consuming process, but he nodded in approval once the hole was dug. He dragged Colton's corpse over to the freshly dug up earth, only stumbling a few times on the way.

Thomas's POV

I better hurry up and get this done. Jared could be back any second. As much as I don't like that kid.. I understand what he's going through

"Hey." I heard Jared's quiet voice behind me as I patted down the dirt that now concealed his late brother.
"I brought the rest of the bandages. There's not many left."

"At this point anything helps."
I said as I accepted the container of different medical tapes and wraps.

"A-ah!" A raging pain pierced through my calf and up my leg causing me to curl to the ground as it continued gnawing at my leg.

"What! What is it?" Jared asked in panic.

"Ah! It's.. it's nothing."

"You stupid son of a- you keel over in pain and you say it's nothing." Jared's eyes scanned me up and down, pausing at my lower leg that was drenched in blood from a particularly deep cut. "It's your calf isn't it."

"Colton really knew how to work a knife." I said as I held back the groans that desperately wanted to be released.

"What.. what do I do? I've never treated a cut that deep before." Jared started to panic

"It probably needs stitches. Strike that, it definitely needs stitches.. maybe some sort of antibiotic too. Pretty sure I got some dirt in it.."

"Okay I gotta be honest I'm kind of freaking out. I dont know what to do.. should I call an ambulance?"

"N-no. That would complicate things too much." I grunted, "we have to find Alice."

"A-shoot. She's probably lost in those woods somewhere."

"We need to go get her."

"No.. YOU need to go get her. I don't think she wants to see me right now."

"You're still family."

"Yeah last thing I saw of her she was chucking a knife at her family. So I think maybe she needs a little time before the next.. Encounter."

"Okay fine. But what happened to seeing me as a threat? You told her to stay away from me."

"That was before you two met and started sleeping together. Besides, the circumstances are different now. Please, I need your help on this one."

I paused before answering, "Alright. Let's fix this up as best we can and then I'll go get her. You stay here and clean things up. If all goes according to plan, she'll be back here in a few days."

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