Chapter 3: I Have No Choice..

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If that guy wasn't in the bathroom downstairs, then there's roughly a 67% chance they put him up here.. So if they did move him up here, then that means he'd be in one of these rooms..

The thought sent a chill down my back and I started to tiptoe down the hall, making as little noise as possible.

I leaned my ear to the first door and didn't hear any movement. However, I kept listening for a few extra seconds just to ensure no one was in there. I jiggled the knob only to find it locked. I repeated this process on the next door and found my frustration growing when that door was locked as well.

The story was the same for door number three, but this one sounded different. It sounded like there was a slight echo. I knelt down and peaked under the door. Sure enough I was able to make out where the carpet turned to tile. It's another bathroom.

I sat up with a puzzled look on my face. "Why would they keep the bathroom door locked?"
I know my brothers are messed up but I never thought they were this confusing..

I reached up and checked the handle again and instantly tensed when I heard movement from inside. I was frozen, ready to run away at the drop of a hat. My fight or flight mechanism fired as I heard muffled groans come from inside. They sounded weak and pained, and none the less horrifying.

My eyes were wide as I slowly stood up and realized that the guy from earlier was probably in there making those noises. I heard more rustling and I immediately took a sharp step away from the door as my brother's words played through my head.

"Don't go near him. Understand?!"

I slowly backed away, eyes wide and gaze glued to the door in front of me.
What would I do if that door were to open? And that's what made me forget about being quiet and quickly try the last two doors. The one across from the bathroom was locked, but the last one was unlocked. Without even glancing in the room I rushed in and closed and locked the door.

I leaned my head against the cool wood, breathing heavily as I let my heart rate slow down.
"This is crazy" I whispered breathlessly.

After a minute or two, I stepped away from the wall and surveyed the room around me. It was a bedroom, seemingly unoccupied as there were very few decorations or personalization of any kind.

There was a queen sized bed with a gray comforter on it and a night stand on either side. To the side of the bed was a window which was currently letting in an abundance of bright sunlight. There were sliding doors on the wall adjacent to the bed. I assumed this was the closet.

Along the same wall as the hall door was a chest of drawers and a desk with an office chair by it.

The room was really quite large with a chest of drawers and a desk with an office chair occupying only a slight percentage of the floor space. Definitely large compared to my old room.

As I thought back to my old room I felt a pain rise within me. Soon enough a tear pricked my eye. I let one tear escape before forcing myself to bury my emotions. I knew it isn't healthy to encase emotions like that. But right now I feared that if I faced them the trauma would only cause me harm.

Instead, I forced my mind to focus on unpacking. So I started to empty my bags and utilized the closet and chest of drawers.

Void of any emotion, I put an old picture of me and my brothers on one of the nightstands along with a fake succulent I had grabbed on my way out the door. Social services didn't give me a chance to grab any pictures of my parents. It all seemed so urgent and rushed.

I have no choice. My parents are gone. Any other relatives live too far away. I could fly out and live with my Aunt (twice removed) but she's crazy, drunk, and has a lot of, you know, Boyfriends. And I really don't think my sanity would last long in her house. Besides that, if I were younger, Colton would be my legal guardian anyway. Plus, plane tickets aren't exactly free.

So the only choice is to live in a house of two gang members who happen to be my brothers. Perfect.



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