Chapter 20: Scary as Hell

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My limbs felt weak. As though I was caught in a moment of cataplexy.

I turned and ran as fast as I could toward the back door that lead to a patio. My efforts were in vein, however, because before I could even reach the door a pair of arms clamped around my stomach and lurched me backwards.

So this is how my cat felt all those years ago.

"Let me go!" I shouted as I felt him pulling me further away from my escape.

His deep voice answered, "Stop kicking! Just relax. I'm not going to hurt you unless you force me to."

My lungs burned from working so hard to keep up with all the running I've been doing, but the adrenaline in my veins told me I wasn't going to give up just yet.

With one swift movement, I kicked my heal up and hit him right wear it counts. It earned a grunt and a loosening feeling around my stomach.

Yes, yes, yes!
Oh no. No, no, no! 

My plan backfired as I felt him curl over on top of me, forcing me to bend over under the pressure. I was now supporting most of his weight on my vack and I felt his arms secure around my waist again.

"Thought you had me there, huh? Your plan backfired a little, didn't it?" He said menacingly through gritted teeth.

My back started to ache and I felt all the pressure settle onto my vertebra.

"Ow! Okay. You win. Please, get off me it's starting to hurt." I whimpered

"So did that cheap shot you just took."

"I'm sorry. I won't do it again. Please just get off it feels like it's about to break."

"Hm.. what's worse, breaking a back? Or breaking a potential child."

He didn't let up any of his weight as I felt the pain intensify and spread down to my pelvis.

"A-ah! I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please just- Ah! Please let me up!"

After a short, agonizing pause, I felt him stand up. Instead of freeing me, he put a suffocating grip around my neck and pulled me up, forcing me to lean against him.

"Do you understand the consequences of failure now?" Was this all some sort of lesson?  "Next time, think it through Before you do something stupid."

His grip hindered my speech so all I could do was nod in response. Once my air passages were open I collapsed to the floor, limbs shaking just from trying to support my upper body.

I watched him as he walked away and sat on a chair on the other side of the room.

We both knew I wouldn't attempt an escape. Now that I know what happens when I try, I think it'll be safer, not safe, but safer if I stay put for a while.

"Who are you?" I asked after I had caught my breath

He just looked at me. A smile tugged at the side of his lip for just a second or two before disappearing. Without a reply he simply pulled out his phone and stared at it intently.

Okay then.
"Where are we."


"Why did you bring me here?" I asked a little louder.

"Why are you holding me captive?? I've done nothing!" I yelled at him

He looked up at me with a blank expression in his familiar golden eyes. He narrowed his eyes in thought before returning his attention to his screen.

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