Chapter 23: late night snack

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The sun was starting to set. Lucas never left his room the whole day. It took me a while to recover from Gavin's threat, I'm still not over it totally, but at least now I'm able to relax more.

I spent my time watching random cooking shows with gavin, throw back to when I thought Thomas, but actually Lucas, was into cooking. Gavin, turns out, is the one who belongs in the kitchen.

When dinner time came around he offered to make me a sandwich. I wasn't hungry at the time so I declined. Little did I know I would regret that decision; he came in with the best smelling, toasted sandwich my nostrils ever had the pleasure of sensing. My stomach threatened to growl, but my pride over powered my need for food.

Maybe I'm depressed.. I'm hungry but I don't feel like eating..


"I think it's time we call it a night." Gavin said as he stood from his chair and turned off the tv. "We only have two bedrooms here. Mine and Lucas'."

"Oh. That's fine. I don't need a bed, I'm fine on the couch." I patted the cushion next to me

"I know you are. I wasn't going to offer you my bed."

"O-oh." I looked down at my hands as my fingers tangled with themselves.

"Do you need anything?" His tone holding the tiniest bit of interest

"Um.." maybe a blanket? "No.. thank you."

"You have nothing to thank me for."

I sighed, suddenly feeling too tired to argue. "Thanks anyway."

He pursed his lips and gave me a nod before walking out of the room.

"Good night." I whispered into the now empty space.

The familiar feeling of loneliness crept into my veins. The dark room was only lit by the faint moonlight coming from the kitchen window. The space looked cold which lead to it feeling cold. Funny how connected the senses are.

I tucked my hands between my legs and let myself tip over to lay sideways on the couch. My hair was tangled around my neck and it was a bit uncomfortable, but it acted as a sort of scarf so I didn't bother moving it.

My mind couldn't comprehend all that was happening. Usually it will just shut off and I'll be able to think of nothing at all; but tonight all I could think of was my late parents and how they died.. I didn't dare think of what life was like before all of this. That's a whole realm of feelings I'm not up to exploring.

I'm going to have that nightmare tonight.. aren't I..?

I closed my eyes.. dreading what comes next but wanting it to be over.


I woke up screaming. This time my brothers were also on the plane. Bith if them were just as bloody as my parents if not worse.

The worst was Colton.. His eyes were still opened and they seemed to stare right through me, filling me with the terrible feeling of being surrounded by death. When I turned to look away, I was held by Lucas, like the first time he woke me. I looked into his eyes, searching for comfort.

Instead of comfort I was met with the fiery gaze he gave me just yesterday. His eyes were dark and I felt as if I were sat in the devil's arms.

I sat straight up on the couch, covered in sweat as I came to the realization that I no longer had anywhere to run to for comfort. I had no safety net. And it's mostly my fault.

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