Chapter 4: The En-suite

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"Life goes on I see." I said after scrolling through Instagram for twenty minutes. I wasn't too surprised when no one had messaged me asking where or how I was. I kept to myself most the time so I wasn't close with many people.

Before my parents' accident, I was focused on applying to colleges and scheduling auditions. The plan was all set to move to college and major in dance. I was so confident in my chances too, but now it all seems uncertain.

When my boss heard what happened she was more than willing to offer me as much time off as I needed so I could grieve with my siblings. If only they knew.. If only I could tell someone.

I couldn't envision myself going back anytime soon. My whole self just felt stress paralyzed when it came to returning to living my normal life without my parents. All the late nights I would spend choreographing in the studio.. How could I continue doing that without getting scolded for staying out so late.. If I could, I would drive to the studio right now, but the woman managing the estate has yet to send my car over. She seemed rushed and extremely neglectful when I was being practically shoved out of my own house, I doubt I'll ever see my car again.. It was a perfectly good, 1993 Honda.. I had named it Neo just a few months before.

My thoughts were interrupted when my eyes scanned over the room and noticed a door that I hadn't acknowledged before.

I diverted my attention in a desperate attempt to avoid crying and ended up noticing a door that, up until now, I had assumed was a closet door.

I slowly slid off the bed and walked toward it. Of course it wouldn't be a second closet. That doesn't make sense.. Maybe it's an en-suite?

As I turned the handle something in my brain clicked as I remembered this bedroom was right next to the bathroom. I froze with the knob twisted and ready to be pulled open. I willed myself to let go and walk away but couldn't seem to escape the curiosity that was currently tearing through my brain.

I chewed on my lip as the battle within me continued. The battle was still going full force when some strange urge took over and I yanked the door open.

"OH SHIT!!!"
I slammed the door shut and fumbled with the lock until my wildly shaking hands managed to twist it into the locked position.

Although I had only gotten a glance at the room, it was long enough to register the shocking image to my memory. A pair of frantic golden eyes on a face that was practically covered in dried blood. He sat in the corner of the room leaning against the bathtub with his hands tied behind his back. A muffled groan rose from his chest only to get stopped by the thick gag that covered his mouth.

His clothes were covered in blood stains and there were small puddles of blood on the floor that I can only assume were made by multiple wounds that are still open.

As I repeatedly envisioned this guy, I kept getting stuck on his eyes. As he looked at me, they glowed with an energy in them that's hard to explain. They were full of alarm and there was an abundance of fear in them, but my memory identified something else. Something more... Hopeful.

It's the look you would find in a hero's face that comes when he's fighting to get out of the clutch of the enemy in order to save the world...

But.. Who's the enemy here? My brothers? Maybe to this guy they are. Whoever this guy is. I wonder what he's fighting for.. What did he do to make my brothers treat him like this?

Maybe I should give up on college and use my money to move somewhere far from here...
I started to feel my soul desperately reaching for any chance to get out of this situation. But deep down I knew I wouldn't be going anywhere.

"I really don't need this!" I groaned in frustration as I sank down against the door and hugged my legs. Forming a sort of ball of distress as I let my head rest against my knees.


Thanks for keepin' with me so far!

QUESTION! Have any of you ever made a ball of distress? (I have ngl)

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