Chapter 46: Rest of Our Lives

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"You- you two did all that?" I looked at the man who sat opposite me on the bed in disbelief. "You- but how did you do it with only two people??"

"Same way a little girl like you killed off a gang leader and three guards." He chuckled.

"I can't believe it." I shot him a look, "And I'm not that little."

The sound of Gavin in the shower woke us up a little while ago and Lucas busied himself with catching me up on what's happened. "So Taren is..."


"What's going to happen to Cane? I killed.. the leader is dead!" At that point, Gavin stepped out of the bathroom and my eyes widened when I saw the expensive black, pinstripe suit he was wearing. The top two buttons of his white shirt were unbuttoned and a black tie hung loosely around his neck. His freshly washed, tousled hair contributed to the air of casualty. The look was breath taking to say the least.

Stunned, I asked, "Where are YOU going?"


"Work?.. What's your job? Mail order groom?" He snorted as he buttoned his cuffs and started loading his gun.

That's not part of the normal wedding accessories... But what does he need it for? Taren is no longer. and Cane is on the verge of collapse!
Maybe he does bounty hunting on the side.

"I'm the new leader of Cane." He said with a smirk before closing the door behind him.

I turned to look at Lucas who seemed more or less indifferent to the news. "You knew??" He smirked and nodded, mocking my amazement. "And you didn't think it was an important part of your story?" I slapped him in the shoulder and he winced in pain.

"Unbelievable. You don't tell me anything." I turned to glare at him once again but froze when I saw the blood leaking down his shirt. "LUCAS! You're hurt!? Why didn't you tell me? Why did you let me slap you?"

"You would've slapped me anyway." He switched his position so he wouldn't bleed on Gavin's pillow.

"But why didn't you stop me?"

"I knew it wouldn't hurt." He smiled mockingly and out of instinct I pulled my hand back to slap him again. This time he stopped me. "If you slap me again you'll get blood on your hand."

"Ugh! Come on. We need to put a bandage on that."

"No time. Gavin appointed me co-leader of Cane. There are a few people from Taren who were willing to transfer and it's now my responsibility to debrief them."

"Okay. First, I can't believe you didn't tell me that." I stated as I walked toward the door, "Second, you aren't leaving until we take care of that cut."

He stalked toward me with a dangerous gleam in his eye. A strange feeling crept inside when his deep voice rang in my ears. "I don't think you're in any position to give me orders."

I took a step back and gulped as my stomach started feeling a bit uneasy. "Now- s-stop doing that. You- you're making me uncomfortable." And something else. But we'll stick with uncomfortable for pride reasons.

"Am I? Would calling you princess help?"

"W-way too soon to use that as a joke. And yes, you're making me very uncomfortable."

"Remember that day after we took you from Jerry? When I was shot and you wouldn't stop asking questions. So I shut you up by doing, this?" he repeated his actions, pulling me forward by my neck so our lips were mere centimeters apart.

"Y-yes. I remember."

I couldn't help but look down at his lips before looking back up at his glowing, golden eyes. "Remember how flustered you got because you thought I was going to kiss you?"

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