Chapter 26: Zombie

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■◇■◇ Warning◇■◇■
This chapter contains thoughts of suicide. There will be a:
■◇■◇ TW ■◇■◇

BEFORE and AFTER the scene.

Please use good judgement when reading if these things bother you. :) thank you


I groaned as I got off the barstool and took my dishes to the sink.

"What's wrong?" Lucas asked

"What do you think? He killed me." I pointed an accusatory finger at Gavin who simply looked up from his plate and shrugged his shoulders

"I told you I was there to kill you before we started."

"Well, I'm dead now, thank you very much." I said, letting out a groan as I started to stretch my extremely tight muscles.

He laughed "What hurts?"

"Everything! My legs, my arms, my whole body."

"Except your head of course."

"Yeah. Duh. the head doesn't get sore."

"Only because you don't use it." He smirked at me playfully before Lucas chimed in. "You have to admit, you walked into that one."

I sighed as I continued to stretch. "I'm too exhausted to deal with your immaturity."

"Right," Gavin started as he cleared the table, "better get to sleep early. Another day of training awaits you tomorrow."

I looked up at him incredulously.

"Oh, you didn't think you'd learned everything in a day? What about strength and conditioning?"

"I- Gavin, I can't. There's no way."

"Guess you'll have to power through. Or you can give up, but if you do that you're practically begging for the worst to happen to you."

"What could possibly happen to me?"

"A lot more than you think, Alice." Lucas's familiar way of saying my name made me stop all thoughts.

"Fine. Buy there's no way I'll be able to move tomorrow." I hobbled out of the kitchen, keeping a hand on my hip for affect. "Hey, Gavin?" I didn't get an answer but I knew he heard me "Could I get a blanket and pillow tonight?"

"Can you get those for her? I need to do the dishes." Gavin said to Lucas

Lucas, before going to get the requested items, stopped in front of me. "You know that invitation from last night still stands, right? I'd be willing to take the couch for the night."

"Gosh.. Lucas that's really nice of you.. But I'm fine on the couch. It won't make much difference to me." I gave him a smile. He nodded and went down the hall to finish his task.

Tonight I was feeling very complicated. It feels like so long ago since I first moved into my Brothers house. I wonder how they're doing? Are they looking for me? Why have I just now realized I don't have my phone? How long has it been since I last ate nutella?

Now, I didn't say that all my thoughts were serious. That's what makes my current state so complicated. I'm trapped between wanting to feel all the emotions that are currently sealed deep within me and wanting to keep those emotions burried and continue living as though everything is fine.


What happens from here? Comparing the future I envisioned a few weeks ago and the future I picture now gave me anxious feelings. I don't know what the future holds. It seems I'm stuck in this forever. Do I have to join the gang? Which one would I join? Cane, surely. But... Lucas is neither.. my brothers are Taren. Will I ever see them again? I wonder if my parents are seeing this.. What if I were to leave here and join them... Tonight..

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