Chapter 28: Jerry, the mouse

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"You should probably go somewhere, else."
Lucas said, still seeming absent minded.

We were inside now, getting the house ready for whoever this Jerry fellow is.

"Like hide somewhere? Or casually wait somewhere until the mouse leaves."

Lucas raised an eyebrow at me, much like how Gavin does. "The mouse?"

"Oh yeah. His name is Jerry, right? So like Jerry The mouse. As in Tom and Jerry?" He scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion, but there's no way he didn't understand the reference. I sighed at his unwillingness to cooperate "Nevermind.. Which room should I hide in?"

"Wait in my room for now."

"Yes, Sir." I saluted him. Now that the cramps have died down and my body is catching a rhythm, I was feeling a lot more high spirited. It's a shame Jerry has to come and try to steal the cheese.. or whatever mice do..

I went into Lucas's room and closed the door most of the way, leaving it a little open so if I want to eavesdrop I can.

As I looked around I realized I had only been in Lucas's room that one time when he was all cut up.

It was rather plain. The color scheme was grey and dark blue. There was a wooden desk with a computer and some pictures on it. One picture caught my attention. There were three people in the picture that I can only assume are Gavin, Lucas, and their late sister. I wonder what her name was.. Gavin and Lucas look practically identical. Except Lucas had a bit lighter hair than Gavin, much like he does now. They all look so happy.

My ears perked up when I heard the sound of the front door slamming shut. I scittered over to the door and put my ear next to the small crack.

"Ay! How's it goin?"

"Hey man. What's up?"

They're bro hugging now.. I just know it..

After exchanging casual greetings, I could feel the air slowly shifting to a heavier tone. They talked through getting Lucas a new phone, honestly it just sounded like the lectures my Mom used to give me about not answering her messages. Jerry seemed to be a middle man. He carried messages on the big boss's behalf. He also kinda sounded like a word I wouldn't use in public.

"Now for the main reason I'm here.. Colton." Wait what? Why are they talking about Colton?

I braced my hand against the door trying to squeeze my ear further into the crack which only managed to open the door and make an elongated creaking noise.

Was that as loud as I think it was..?

"This isn't my problem," I faintly heard Gavin say through my panic, "I wasn't there."

There was a slight pause in the conversation. I held my breath and reached for the door handle to close it.

"He wasn't there. He doesn't know any context." Lucas confirmed

"Fine. But that doesn't mean you're off the hook." Jerry said

"Doesn't mean I'm worried." Gavin's voice was getting closer so I took my last chance and pulled the door in.

I had safely returned it to it's mostly closed position when it flew open again. A tall figure stood right in front of me and I was about to scream when a hand flew over my mouth and started to force me to walk backward.

"What do you think you were doing, huh?" Gavin said in a menacing voice after closing the door. "Eavesdropping?" He removed his hand
and closed the door

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