Chapter 37: Kid-napped?

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The moment you realize half of your chapters start with "I woke up..." ahahaa.. Yeah. Whoops! Enjoy another waking up scene! ♡♡♡ (I'll work on my chapter intros for future books don't worry)


I sighed in contentment. In my dream
I was snuggling a warm fluffy marshmallow. It's absolutely adorable. It smells weird though.. wait, what is that- it smells like. "Mm, Lucas?" I mumbled out groggily.


"W-why are you a marshmallow..?"
Suddenly, the marshmallow began to shake, as if it were about to explode. I woke from my slumber to find Lucas trying his best not to laugh..

It wasn't working. "Just let it out.. I'm awake now." I sat up beside him. Part of my body complaining at the loss of heat, the other part heating itself out of embarrassment.

"So, why am I a marshmallow?" He asked, still laughing.

"Nevermind. It was.." I was cut off by a yawn. "It was a dream. A very weird dream- OH MY GOSH!"

"What? What's wrong?" Lucas was now fully awake and alert.

"My.. my ankle." The words trembled from my mouth as I stared in horror at my ankle that looked like someone had taken a purple marker to it. "Who took the bandages off?" My voice still shaky.

"I did." Gavin was sitting in a chair in the corner of the room. His signature nonchalant expression on his face.

"How long have you been sitting there..?" I asked, slightly creeped out.

"Since 3 A.M."


"I stopped asking him why he does things a long time ago." Lucas stated

"I got a call from DeWitt."

Lucas tensed next to me at the mention of that name. He spoke in a low voice. "What did he want?"


Lucas cursed under his breath. That's how I knew we were in trouble.

"Who's DeWitt?" I asked

"Gang leader." Gavin answered "the Cane leader to be exact."

A scratchy feeling crept into my stomach. I couldn't help but feel like I've fallen into deep trouble.

"What does he want with me?"

"He didn't say." Gavin spoke from his spot in the corner. I turned toward Lucas, not sure what I was expecting from him.

"Probably something to do with what happened with Jerry. His business should be with us, not her." Lucas began to get riled up. "We can't let him get to her. You saw what Jerry did, who knows what DeWitt will try with Alice."

"They.. They wouldn't torture me, would they? There's no point."

Gavin chimed in "no one said anything about torture. He just told me to bring him the girl."

"You're not going to." Lucas proclaimed.

"Yes, I am."

Lucas stood from the bed with a grunt. His leg must be stiff from his wound.

"Gavin. We need to keep her as far from this as possible."

"If we keep her from DeWitt he's going to think we're protecting her for some reason."

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